I installed beta1 base a couple days ago on a laptop and initially
things worked ok.  I have dial-up via a usb modem, which worked for
the first day, but now won't.

I have been installing more software as I get it downloaded.  First, I
installed xorg and got it configured with blackbox.  This took quite a
while because I have and ati X1400, which was not recognized at all by
xorg, but works on the latest fglrx release.

When I successfully wrote an xorg.conf, I used init 5 and init 3 to
demonstrate it worked. Next I tried to "init 5", but it failed with a
message about no xdm.  So, I installed xdm and tested it successfully
with "init 5".  When I set /etc/inittab to boot into run level 5, the
reboot failed with  columns of numbers filling the screen .. at the
top was words like udev and debug, but nothing else made sense to me.
I rebooted and it succeeded in starting xdm and I could log in.  But,
now the bad news, when I go to init 3, the screen goes blank and I do
not have any virtual consoles to work with.  Checking the log reveals
nothing remarkable at the time.  I have booted a number of times since
this without boot problems, but the consoles never work when I try
init 3 from blackbox.  But, if I try C-A-F1 it will dump me into vc1
.. however, if I enter "init 3" from vc1, the same problem occurs: the
screen goes blank and the vc's are all dead.  What's wrong with run
level 3?

I was able to get kdebase installed, so now have a web browser to try
researching the wiki, but   my usb modem (slmodem) has stopped working
.. it just freezes the phone line and I have to unplug it to free the
phone.  By the way, I think it's a problem with the slmodem driver,
because, I uninstalled it, and trying compiling the
slmodem-20061021.tar.gz from linmodems, and it would not successfully
compile.  Also, there are a lot of emails at linmodems.org regarding
problems with the 2.6.19 kernel.

All my hardware is fine .. I'm using kubuntu on another partition and
the same usb modem right now.

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this problem further.


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