On 1/26/07, Kernel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just recently re-installed my Arch system via FTP using the 0.8
> Alpha 3 "current" ISO to boot from and run the installer...I mention
> that as a matter of detail, but I don't think it could be related to
> the problem I'm experiencing...

OK, I must say I'm a bit embarrassed...in trying to think of anything
that I might be doing differently since my rebuild, I decided to boot
off my old 2.6.18 based kernel...and the problem went away.  So, I
first thought...hmmmm...must be a problem with my 2.6.19 kernel
build...however, I took the Windows Admin approach and decided to just
reboot again, but this time back into the 2.6.19 based kernel...and
the problem is still gone...I looked at my logs and saw that only
under the boot that I was having the "problems" there were A LOT of
ATAPI errors (shame on me for not noticing them before)...anyway maybe
I do have flaky hardware or it just decided not to initialize properly
at that boot...sorry to have wasted the bandwidth...


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