> OK, I must say I'm a bit embarrassed...in trying to think of anything
> that I might be doing differently since my rebuild, I decided to boot
> off my old 2.6.18 based kernel...and the problem went away.  So, I
> first thought...hmmmm...must be a problem with my 2.6.19 kernel
> build...however, I took the Windows Admin approach and decided to just
> reboot again, but this time back into the 2.6.19 based kernel...and
> the problem is still gone...I looked at my logs and saw that only
> under the boot that I was having the "problems" there were A LOT of
> ATAPI errors (shame on me for not noticing them before)...anyway maybe
> I do have flaky hardware or it just decided not to initialize properly
> at that boot...sorry to have wasted the bandwidth...

K9copy works fine on my system.
It does not crash, I can't reproduce and trouble-shoot this problem.

Giovanni Scafora
Arch Linux Trusted User & Package Maintainer (voidnull)

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