
I was running out of space yesterday so I removed what I thought were some
unnecessary packages. Not thinking clearly, I removed xfwm4, thinking that my
window manager is xfce4, and that I didn't need xfwm4.

When I rebooted, my familiar xfce4 X server started, and my task bar with my
various applets seemed ok. But when I invoked an xterm I didn't get the top bar
that let's me maximize/minimize and most importantly move around the window.
It was then that I noticed that my virtual desktop switcher was missing, so I
knew I had broken something.

A quick google taught me that xfwm4 is the window manager for xfce4, so I was
wrong to remove it. No problem, a quick pacman -S got that.

However, the window manager doesn't seem to be active, even after shutting
down and restart my X server.

Having removed it, is there something I need to do to activate it?

Thanks in advance,

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