On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 12:11:10PM +0000, A. S. Budden wrote:
> I used to use mutt & vim (before I started having to use Windows more
> than I would like: I now use gmail+vim) and I never had a problem with
> viewing Japanese text.  Have you checked your locale settings include
> UTF8?  You could also try using muttng (mutt with a few patches) if
> that
> doesn't help [1].

I should note that I /can/ read messages from my friend. I just couldn't
read my test message I sent from a free yahoo account. I guess this is
Yahoo's fault.

(By the way, I heard there is a windows version of mutt, you could try
it out unless your office locks you down on the programs you can

I have resorted to sending emails with gmail. It seems that emails sent
by gmail can be read by all of us. (I can even read them in mutt.)

On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 07:17:14AM -0500, Scott wrote:
> So is the issue that you need to use Japanese with mutt in console or in
> X?  In X, it's quite easy.   In console, you might have luck reading it,
> though I don't know about writing it, using kon. 
> What email client does your Japanese friend use?  

He uses his cell phone to send emails. He has a KDDI cellphone. I wonder
if that would be unicode or shift-JIS.

I have a feeling it is shift-JIS because I can read emails that I wrote
in my sent mail folder, and even if I go onto the gmail web interface I
can read the email. If I didn't set it to be Shift-JIS it is probbably

But what if it is unicode? Maybe the test message I sent with Yahoo was
made Shift-JIS for some reason and I can't read it on mutt becase I
might not have Shift-JIS support.

For the time being I'm resorting to sending emails with gmail because
I'm too embarrassed to try anything.

On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 07:17:14AM -0500, Scott wrote:
> You need an xterm capable of handling it, rxvt-unicode or mlterm.
> Actually, even with xterm you can use uxterm.  

If my terminal can see Japanese filenames with ls, mv, cp and the basic
utilities as well as play Japanese songs with mpc. (ncmpc doesn't seem
to work for some reason.) I think my terminal passes the test. (xfce's

Thanks for your help again. (Don't think you remember the first time
because you pointed me to your page again, hehe. I should say good work
on that page, it sure saved my life.)

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