On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 09:39:36PM -0500, Scott wrote:
> > I should say that I could try my host family's keitai. They have DoCoMo
> > and Vodafone though. But if they send messages in iso-2022 (I think they
> > should.) then it should be ok to test with.
> Do that, and also try with sylpheed.

So I sent a mail to my brother and received a mail from him. I also sent
a 'reply' to him to see if replies I send end up becoming iso numbers I

I take a look at the emails with 'e', his emails come to me in the weird
iso encoding and my emails go to him in utf8. The reply trick I thought
of didn't work, all the emails I send are encoded in utf8.

However, his cell phone can read utf8. It seems the problem is only with
KDDI. Au akan na? (Doubt you know Kansai ben, aha, I don't know why I
wrote that.)

I'll try it with my mom's Vodafone and see what happens.

Either way, it seems we need to add that weird encoding as a locale and
set my lc type to that before I send an email, but as you said Arch only
has euc jp. 

Thanks for your help Scott.

(Off topic, I'm sure there is a way to set the threaded view to be the
default view for your mailbox somehow in the .muttrc but I am too dumb
to figure it out.)

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