People, people, please, let's be reasonable: having the *possibility* of
split packages doesn't mean *we'll* split in -dev and -doc and etc. It could
be *possible* yes, but just make a policy saying: "don't split packages in
xxx-dev and xxx" and we're good. And obviously don't allow that in the main
repos. There will be people making it in AUR, yes that will be, but that's
AUR. I think we should let split packages come for what it is good for:
installing k3b without having to install whole kde, or mono without gnome,
etc. Of course it could be done using your own PKGBUILD but if you forget to
--ignore it, you loose all your work. I think that's the ideia of the devs
when they proposed it, and I think that if used right, could make Arch even

We can make bombs out of nuclear tecnology? Yes, but also power plants....

A computer is like air conditioning: it becomes useless when you open
                   ~Linus Torvalds
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