On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 17:21, Hussam Al-Tayeb wrote:
> But splitting a package into aaa-bin, aaa-dev, aaa-data, aaa-doc and
> aaa-lib is bad. There's a reason "Arch Linux is a lightweight and
> flexible linux distribution that tries to Keep It Simple." and we should
> take pride in that. Yes, some package such as KDE should be split up,
> but that should ONLY be done upstream. We should package 'KDE' and not
> 'ArchKDE'. There's also a well maintained KDEmod.
> But otherwise, please don't make it a habit of splitting up packages
> unless there is a major reason.
> What next, port debconf to pacman?

I agree: splitting packages (except those cases in which it's  absolutely
necessary) is evil. Debian and Ubuntu make my skin crawl because of those
silly -dev packages.
 Ricardo Martins  ><><  scarybox.net  ><>< b.scarybox.net
 GPG key: 0x1308F1B4 http://scarybox.net/zomg/ricardo.asc

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