@daniel: I sent you the files off-list. If anyone else wants... just
ask. Of course, I tried your freewilly example and it runs fine on my
computer ;)

@damir: there are hundreds of packages in a latex distribution. It is
very time consuming to track them all, and it can break things (well,
not likely but ...). That's why latex 'distributions' are made.
I think tetex-live should be update as distribution, and then everyone
can add new or newer packages (adding a latex package is really easy,
I made a PKGBUILD just to speed things up since I have 2 pcs...).

In my opinion, if a texlive 2007.10 is out, arch devs should be at
work... but not just to replace one or two outdated latex packages in
the distribution.
Texlive is a quite big beast, and not well organized (completely
different philosophy comparing to tetex); moreover, the arch port has
just a few weeks, so, it is normal it cannot be bleeding edge.

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