Hi Lucy, good question.

The default Arches-HIP package uses a couple of Bing services, which 
require a key.  A key comes with Arches (it's in the virtual environment, 
../site-packages/arches/settings.py), but this is one that Farallon or the 
GCI has set up, so you should get a new one if you plan to use Bing 

The two Bing services are map tiles and the geocoding address widget that 
you see in the Map View.  Every time you type an address in that bar, a 
request is sent to Bing for matching lat/long coordinates.  The tiles are 
the three basemap layers that Arches uses by default.  Whenever you have 
one of those layers active and you pan the map around, a request is sent to 
Bing for the appropriate tiles based on the visible extent.  The Bing key 
is sent along with these requests to authorize the transaction, and 
Microsoft keeps track of your usage.

So, would Arches work without using Bing services?  Yes, you'd just have to 
define some different basemap layers (open street map is a good 
alternative, depending on how good it is in your area) and then you would 
have to remove or replace the address search (geocoding) widget.

However, getting a key is pretty straightforward, and based on how your 
application fits into the Microsoft® Bing™ Maps Platform APIs’ Terms Of Use 
<http://www.microsoft.com/maps/product/terms.html>, it'll likely be 
completely free.  In section 8.2.c you'll see an upper limit of 50,000 
"billable" transactions per day, and it's doubtful you would get anywhere 
close to that.  This is no guarantee though, so it would be best to read up 
on the terms of use and how transactions are billed to be completely sure. 
 Ultimately, it would also be good to get some feedback from Farallon/GCI 
about this subject as well.

To get your own key, follow the link in the documentation 
(https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff428642.aspx) and work through 
those steps.  You'll have to set up a username/password, and then obtain a 
key.  Once you have a key, add a line in your app's settings.py file that 
looks like:

BING_KEY='paste your key here'

This will overwrite the Farallon/GCI Bing key that is included by default, 
and the address bar and basemap layers will work just as before.  You'll be 
able to log on to the Bing maps portal (https://www.bingmapsportal.com/) to 
view your usage.  Keep in mind that "billable" doesn't mean you'll 
necessarily be billed, it's just a way they categorize usage.

Good luck!


On Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 5:08:01 AM UTC-5, Lucy FJ wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Here on the Egypt database project we are slowly moving forward. I have a 
> question about BING services. In the 'settings' section of the installation 
> documentation, 'read the docs', it is suggested that we sign up with BING 
> services and obtain a key. What does this actually do? Can Arches run 
> without the Bing key? Can we show sites on the map with out this? Are there 
> any alternatives? Unfortunately neither I nor anyone in our IT department 
> have previous experience in geocoding. 
> Thank you for your time,
> Lucy

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