Hello all, currently I am trying to deploy arches 3.0 using apache2 but am 
having permissions troubles. Specifically for apache2 to access a directory 
located in a folder located in /home/ubuntu/Projects/. The specific error 
that I receive is: ValueError: Unable to configure handler 'file': [Errno 
13] Permission denied: 

To provide some background and the steps I have used to setup my EC2 
machine, below is a quick outline:

   1. Use the  arches3_trusty_setup - ami-dd291ded community AMI 
   2. Activate the virtual environment
   3. Clone the repositories arches3 and ascat (project specific) within 
   4. Step through the setup procedures for both arches3 and ascat
   5. Load example data
   6. Run the development version of the server using the command  python 
   manage.py runserver
   7. Walk through configuration of Apache2 using the post: 
   for guidance on configuration settings.
   8. Restart the apache2 service and the error within the apache2 error 
   log says: ValueError: Unable to configure handler 'file': [Errno 13] 
   Permission denied: '/home/ubuntu/Projects/ascat/ascat/logs/application.txt'
Below are the settings I am using within my 000-default.conf:

    #create daemon process: make path to app and to virtualenv python
    WSGIDaemonProcess ascat 

    #make group for app
    WSGIProcessGroup ascat

    #path to app wsgi.py file
    WSGIScriptAlias / /home/ubuntu/Projects/ascat/wsgi.py

    <Directory /home/ubuntu/Projects/ascat/>
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
            AllowOverride None
            Require all granted

The permissions for the file are as follows: 

(ENV)ubuntu@ip-172-31-20-158:~/Projects$ la -l 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 0 Oct 27 17:57 

What steps would I need to take to modify any directory permissions or any 
settings that I might be missing. When running the server within the 
development environment, all functionality works correctly. I have tried a 
couple of different chmod combinations (such as 777) but am not comfortable 
with what has resulted. 



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