Hello Arches Community!

I am very excited to about the Arches Project and this new thing called 
Github. Unfortunately, I am a newbie...and have lots to learn. After 
searching thru the previous posts on this topic, none seemed to 
specifically addressed the items I am struggling with - so here goes.

I was able to download and install all of the "Dependencies" listed here 
I am fairly confident that each are installed in the right locations on my 
local machine.....

However, for PostgreSQL 9.3 - I do not understand the following:

   - After installing PostgreSQL you’ll need to run 2 commands from a 
   command window (this only applies to PostgreSQL 9.2 and above). Open a 
   command window and at the command prompt type the following:
createdb -U postgres -E UTF8 -T template0 template_postgis_20
psql -U postgres -d template_postgis_20 -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

Where am I supposed to type these lines of code? Do I need to include any 
additional syntax? How do I know if this worked? And what the heck is a 
"Port"? (I have tried typing the info into the SQL Shell and Python27 
Command Window, but neither seem to work. Screenshots below)


My second challenge involves upgrading pip.py. I have Python 2.7.9 
installed on my machine, but when I type the recommended code "python -m 
pip install -U pip" into the command prompt - I get "SyntaxError: invalid 
Syntax" (screen shot below). Wondering, what am I missing here? How can I 
get this to work?


Any and all assistance greatly appreciated!!!!!!!


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