I am a newbie to Arches. Recently I was asked by a dear friend of mine if I 
could help her with an initiative that really resonated with me. She is 
working on trying to put together a Geo-spatial inventory for Heritage 
sites in a region in India. She works with several conservation initiatives 
within the region. She mentioned Arches to me and I managed to install 
Arches Framework with some amount of difficulty on a Ubuntu environment on 
my Mac. It almost took me a week to get it up and running primarily because 
of my unfamiliarity with the Open source world and the whole lot of 
dependencies that are there between various packages that Arches uses. 
Anyhow, the good news is that I have been able to get Arches installed. 

Just to set the context of what she wants done is ... There are close to 
500 heritage sites within the Region she is targeting. She has a lot of 
pictures, lots of documentation detailing the sites that includes a 
historical, geographical, cultural perspective and all of that is in Word 
document format. 

As I read through the material on the ArchesProject website, i could not 
help but admire the wonderful work that may have gone in creating this 
framework. However, my lack of familiarity with the whole Heritage 
management piece is somewhat like a barrier considering that I am more of 
IT person. 

The reason i am writing here on this forum is to solicit help from some of 
you practitioners to guide me on the following:

a) What are the various steps that are involved in taking up a project of 
this kind
b) Typically how much time does each step take
c) Are there any recommended approaches that one can take with respect to 
Requirement speccing, Design, Development, Testing and Deployment phases of 
the project
d) What are the approaches to data uploads one can take, i understand from 
the documentation that bulk uploads are possible but i am not quite sure how

If any of you have put together a BoK of sorts that you can share, that 
would be really awesome. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Atul Mathur

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