Yes sure

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Eranda Sooriyabandara <>wrote:

> Hi Chamath,
> Can you attend the meeting scheduled at 11 to sort all the identity
> components out?
> thanks
> Eranda
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Chamath Gunawardana 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi Eranda,
>> The user-stores feature under carbon-feature-identity seems to be a
>> duplicate of user core. AFAIK we can remove this.
>> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 8:22 PM, Eranda Sooriyabandara 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Here is the updated component categorization.
>>> Remove forever
>>>    - qpid
>>>    - rest-api
>>>    - jaxws
>>>    - mashup - used by AS
>>> Need to move to relevent products
>>>    - stratos
>>>    - cloud-controller
>>>    - appfac
>>>    - ec2-client
>>>    - cg
>>> Graduate to nexus
>>>    - mapred
>>>    - email-verification
>>>    - captcha-mgt
>>>    - tryit
>>>    - wsdlvalidator
>>>    - java2wsdl
>>>    - soap-tracer
>>>    - zeroconf
>>>    - wsdl2code
>>>    - wsdl2form
>>>    - schema-generator
>>> carbon-feature-registry
>>>    - registry
>>> carbon-feature-governance
>>>    - governance
>>> carbon-feature-identity
>>>    - identity
>>>    - authenticators
>>>    - claim-mgt
>>>    - remote-usermgt
>>>    - user-manager
>>>    - user-stores
>>>    - sts
>>>    - policy-builder
>>>    - policy-editor
>>>    - security
>>>    - directory-server-manager
>>>    - idp-mgt
>>>    - ldap-server
>>>    - profile-mgt
>>>    - cassandra-userstore
>>>    - xkms
>>> carbon-feature-mediation
>>>    - mediation
>>>    - mediation-initializer
>>>    - mediation-statistics
>>>    - mediation-tracer
>>>    - mediators
>>>    - messagebox
>>>    - message-relay
>>>    - mex
>>>    - priority-mediation
>>>    - sequence-editor
>>>    - synapse-artifact-uploader
>>>    - synapse-config-admin
>>>    - synapse-registries
>>>    - proxy-admin
>>>    - localentry
>>>    - endpoint
>>>    - view-flows
>>> carbon-feature-analytics
>>>    - analytics
>>>    - bam2
>>>    - data-agents
>>>    - transport-statistics
>>>    - system-statistics
>>>    - dashboard
>>>    - dashboard2
>>>    - gadget-ide
>>>    - gadgets
>>>    - gauges
>>>    - health-monitor
>>> carbon-feature-data
>>>    - data-services
>>>    - dbconsole
>>>    - data-sources
>>>    - ndatasource
>>> carbon-feature-apis
>>>    - apimgt
>>>    - appmgt
>>> carbon-feature-business-process
>>>    - business-processes
>>>    - multiple-instance
>>>    - coordination
>>> carbon-feature-business-messaging
>>>    - business-messaging
>>>    - event
>>>    - eventing
>>>    - event-processing
>>> carbon-feature-rules
>>>    - rule
>>> carbon-feature-deployment
>>>    - webapp-mgt
>>>    - module-mgt
>>>    - service-mgt
>>>    - spring-services
>>>    - application-deployers
>>>    - application-mgt
>>>    - axis2-repo-mgt
>>>    - ejb-services
>>>    - aar-services
>>>    - jar-services
>>>    - autoscaler
>>>    - load-balancer
>>>    - deployment-synchronizer
>>> carbon-feature-qos
>>>    - throttling
>>>    - reliable-messaging
>>>    - xfer
>>> carbon-feature-utils
>>>    - caching
>>>    - cluster-mgt
>>>    - unified-endpoint
>>>    - url-mapper
>>>    - ws-discovery
>>>    - rss-manager
>>>    - transaction-manager
>>>    - transport-mgt
>>>    - transports
>>>    - jaggery
>>>    - hostobjects
>>>    - ntask
>>>    - scheduled-tasks
>>>    - operation-mgt
>>>    - startup
>>>    - reporting
>>>    - data-bridge
>>>    - doc-request-processor
>>>    - logging
>>>    - admin-mgt
>>>    - remote-tasks
>>>    - andesxfer
>>>    - cassandra
>>>    - cassandra-explorer
>>>    - cassandra-search
>>>     - issue-tracker
>>>    - hdfs
>>> thanks
>>> Eranda
>>> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 8:11 PM, Eranda Sooriyabandara 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> Hi Kasun,
>>>> Please find my comments inline.
>>>> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Kasun Gajasinghe <>wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Thanks for the list Eranda. One question -  With the new architecture
>>>>> can we knitpick or exclude some underlying components when installing a
>>>>> given feature? For ex. what if we need to exclude cassandra when 
>>>>> installing
>>>>> carbon-feature-utils to a product?
>>>> This is only a restructuring components only.  In a project it contains
>>>> components and related features. Installing features will be same as before
>>>> and products does not need to install all the features in a project but
>>>> install what is needs.
>>>>> Please see my suggestions on the categorizations inline.
>>>>> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 6:30 PM, Eranda Sooriyabandara <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> Here is the component categorization.
>>>>>> Remove forever
>>>>>>    - qpid
>>>>>>    - rest-api
>>>>>>    - mashup
>>>>>> Need to move to relevent products
>>>>>>    - stratos
>>>>>>    - cloud-controller
>>>>>>    - appfac
>>>>>>    - ec2-client
>>>>>>    - cg
>>>>>> Graduate to nexus
>>>>>  Currently, there's a need to re-release components like wsdl2code
>>>>> etc. in each major carbon release because of osgi p2-repo requirements. 
>>>>> For
>>>>> ex. wsdl2code components released in 4.1.0 platform, can not be used in
>>>>> Turing (4.2.0) since the version range we set is [4.1.0,4.2.0). Since C5
>>>>> based products will be using most of the features mentioned are we going 
>>>>> to
>>>>> change expand the version range of the components? If so, we will have to
>>>>> do at least one more release of these components/features with a broader
>>>>> version range like [5.0.0, xxx) isn't it?
>>>> This is something we need to solve.
>>>>> This is applicable for the feature we are moving to attic as well. AS
>>>>> is using Mashup features. Are we going to deprecate mashup features
>>>>> starting from C5?
>>>> That was the plan, need to analyse the feasibility of doing that.
>>>>>>    - mapred
>>>>>>    - email-verification
>>>>>>    - captcha-mgt
>>>>>>    - tryit
>>>>>>    - wsdlvalidator
>>>>>>    - java2wsdl
>>>>>>    - soap-tracer
>>>>>>    - zeroconf
>>>>>>    - wsdl2code
>>>>>>    - wsdl2form
>>>>>>    - schema-generator
>>>>>> carbon-feature-registry
>>>>>>    - registry
>>>>>> carbon-feature-governance
>>>>>>    - governance
>>>>> carbon-feature-identity
>>>>> Currently, user-manager features are used by almost all carbon
>>>>> products including AS, ESB, BAM. If we include user-manager in
>>>>> carbon-feature-identity, then all the mentioned products would have to 
>>>>> ship
>>>>> identity features by default! This is true for security-mgt features as
>>>>> well even though it's limited to service-hosting products. security-mgt
>>>>> component might need to be properly split separating identity specific
>>>>> functionality, and service-hosting related functionality. I think we 
>>>>> should
>>>>> create a common feature where we can include these.
>>>> I don't think we need to. Features will be same as before.
>>>>>>    - identity
>>>>>>    - authenticators
>>>>>>    - claim-mgt
>>>>>>    - remote-usermgt
>>>>>>    - user-manager
>>>>>>    - user-stores
>>>>>>    - sts
>>>>>>    - policy-builder
>>>>>>    - policy-editor
>>>>>>    - security
>>>>>>    - directory-server-manager
>>>>>>    - idp-mgt
>>>>>>    - ldap-server
>>>>>>    - profile-mgt
>>>>>>    - cassandra-userstore
>>>>>>    - issue-tracker
>>>>>> carbon-feature-mediation
>>>>> I believe XKMS component should be in carbon-feature-identity? IMHO
>>>>> Xfer which provides WS-Transfer should be under carbon-feature-qos.
>>>> Thanks for the input. This is not the final list and we need people's
>>>> input to make the project contain the correct set of components. Will
>>>> update the thread with your suggestions shortly.
>>>>>>    - mediation
>>>>>>    - mediation-initializer
>>>>>>    - mediation-statistics
>>>>>>    - mediation-tracer
>>>>>>    - mediators
>>>>>>    - messagebox
>>>>>>    - message-relay
>>>>>>    - mex
>>>>>>    - priority-mediation
>>>>>>    - sequence-editor
>>>>>>    - synapse-artifact-uploader
>>>>>>    - synapse-config-admin
>>>>>>    - synapse-registries
>>>>>>    - proxy-admin
>>>>>>    - localentry
>>>>>>    - endpoint
>>>>>>    - view-flows
>>>>>>    - xfer
>>>>>>    - xkms
>>>>>> carbon-feature-analytics
>>>>>>    - analytics
>>>>>>    - bam2
>>>>>>    - data-agents
>>>>>>    - transport-statistics
>>>>>>    - system-statistics
>>>>>>    - dashboard
>>>>>>    - dashboard2
>>>>>>    - gadget-ide
>>>>>>    - gadgets
>>>>>>    - gauges
>>>>>>    - health-monitor
>>>>>> carbon-feature-data
>>>>>>    - data-services
>>>>>>    - dbconsole
>>>>>>    - data-sources
>>>>>>    - ndatasource
>>>>>> carbon-feature-apis
>>>>>>    - apimgt
>>>>>>    - appmgt
>>>>>> carbon-feature-business-process
>>>>>>    - business-processes
>>>>>>    - multiple-instance
>>>>>>    - coordination
>>>>>> carbon-feature-business-messaging
>>>>>>    - business-messaging
>>>>>>    - event
>>>>>>    - eventing
>>>>>>    - event-processing
>>>>>> carbon-feature-rules
>>>>>>    - rule
>>>>>> carbon-feature-deployment
>>>>> We should remove jaxws component too. This component was added for
>>>>> Axis2 based jax-ws support. We don't use it anymore.
>>>> Will do it.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> KasunG
>>>>>>    - webapp-mgt
>>>>>>    - jaxws
>>>>>>    - module-mgt
>>>>>>    - service-mgt
>>>>>>    - spring-services
>>>>>>    - application-deployers
>>>>>>    - application-mgt
>>>>>>    - axis2-repo-mgt
>>>>>>    - ejb-services
>>>>>>    - aar-services
>>>>>>    - jar-services
>>>>>>    - autoscaler
>>>>>>    - load-balancer
>>>>>>    - deployment-synchronizer
>>>>>> carbon-feature-qos
>>>>>>    - throttling
>>>>>>    - reliable-messaging
>>>>>> carbon-feature-utils
>>>>>>    - caching
>>>>>>    - cluster-mgt
>>>>>>    - unified-endpoint
>>>>>>    - url-mapper
>>>>>>    - ws-discovery
>>>>>>    - rss-manager
>>>>>>    - transaction-manager
>>>>>>    - transport-mgt
>>>>>>    - transports
>>>>>>    - jaggery
>>>>>>    - hostobjects
>>>>>>    - ntask
>>>>>>    - scheduled-tasks
>>>>>>    - operation-mgt
>>>>>>    - startup
>>>>>>    - reporting
>>>>>>    - data-bridge
>>>>>>    - doc-request-processor
>>>>>>    - logging
>>>>>>    - admin-mgt
>>>>>>    - remote-tasks
>>>>>>    - andes
>>>>>>    - cassandra
>>>>>>    - cassandra-explorer
>>>>>>    - cassandra-search
>>>>>>    - hdfs
>>>>>> When adding a component to a project please note the following.
>>>>>>    1. utils project should be not depend on any other projects. Any
>>>>>>    other project can depend on another project but it shouldn't be 
>>>>>> cyclic.
>>>>>>    2. If any component is not going to change we can graduate to the
>>>>>>    nexus without making everyone to build the source. I have identified
>>>>>>    certain components, but if you think it source will be changed then we
>>>>>>    still can add it to the related project.
>>>>>> Your comments and suggestions are mostly welcome. Project leads
>>>>>> please confirm the structure.
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Eranda
>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Eranda Sooriyabandara <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Sagara,
>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Sagara Gunathunga 
>>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Afkham Azeez <>wrote:
>>>>>> Shall we name those as;
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-registry
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-governance
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-identity
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-mediation
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-analytics
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-data
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-apis
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-business-process
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-business-messaging
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-rules
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-deployment
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-qos
>>>>>>    - carbon-feature-utils
>>>>>>  Do you have a document to see the mapping among above projects and
>>>>>> current components ? If not we need to crate a one and review by all
>>>>>> products teams WDYT ?
>>>>>> I'll be sending the categorized list of components to this thread
>>>>>> then the project teams can review and add the ideas here.
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>  Eranda
>>>>>> Thanks !
>>>>>> and also have;
>>>>>> * carbon-product-appserver
>>>>>> * carbon-product-esb
>>>>>> and so on.
>>>>>> Also;
>>>>>> carbon-p2-repo
>>>>>> carbon-platform-integration-tests
>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 9:12 AM, Eranda Sooriyabandara <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Infra,
>>>>>> Can we have following projects created in the git repo. Additionally
>>>>>>    - registry
>>>>>>    - governance
>>>>>>    - identity
>>>>>>    - mediation
>>>>>>    - analytics
>>>>>>    - data
>>>>>>    - apis
>>>>>>    - business-process
>>>>>>    - business-messaging
>>>>>>    - rules
>>>>>>    - deployment
>>>>>>    - qos
>>>>>>    - utils
>>>>>> Additionally please add me (erandasooriyabandara) to WSO2 member
>>>>>> list.
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Eranda
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Eranda Sooriyabandara*Senior Software Engineer;
>>>>>> Integration Technologies Team;
>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.;
>>>>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>>>>>> E-mail: eranda AT
>>>>>> Mobile: +94 716 472 816
>>>>>> Linked-In:
>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Architecture mailing list
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Kasun Gajasinghe*
>>>>> Software Engineer;
>>>>> WSO2 Inc.;
>>>>>  ,
>>>>> *email: *
>>>>> *kasung AT spamfree <>   ** cell: **+94 (77)
>>>>> 678-0813 <%2B94%20%2877%29%20678-0813>*
>>>>> *linked-in: *
>>>>> *blog: *** <>
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>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Architecture mailing list
>>>> --
>>>> *Eranda Sooriyabandara*Senior Software Engineer;
>>>> Integration Technologies Team;
>>>> WSO2 Inc.;
>>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>>>> E-mail: eranda AT
>>>> Mobile: +94 716 472 816
>>>> Linked-In:
>>>> Blog:
>>> --
>>> *Eranda Sooriyabandara*Senior Software Engineer;
>>> Integration Technologies Team;
>>> WSO2 Inc.;
>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>>> E-mail: eranda AT
>>> Mobile: +94 716 472 816
>>> Linked-In:
>>> Blog:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Dev mailing list
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> Chamath Gunawardana
>> Technical Lead; WSO2 Inc.
>> Mobile : +94776322240
> --
> *Eranda Sooriyabandara*Senior Software Engineer;
> Integration Technologies Team;
> WSO2 Inc.;
> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
> E-mail: eranda AT
> Mobile: +94 716 472 816
> Linked-In:
> Blog:

Best Regards,
Chamath Gunawardana
Technical Lead; WSO2 Inc.
Mobile : +94776322240
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