
Foursquare makes apps that help people keep up and meet up with friends,
and discover great places. Foursquare is for explorers who want to try out
the best spots and like to share the experiences with others.

Foursquare API v2 using REST [1] [2] [3]

Foursquare Connector 1.0.0
As the first version main aspect is to having the main CRUD operations and
the frequently used foursquare operations using the OAuth authentication.
Technology - REST

>From the provided operations of the Foursquare API [3]  below are the
selected methods to implement in the Foursquare Connector 1.0.0

*Selected Methods*

   - Checkins

            checkinAdd - Allows you to check in to a place.
            checkinAddComment - Comment on a check-in
            checkinDeleteComment - Delete a comment on a check-in
            checkinDetails - Get details of a check-in
            checkinRecent - Getting a list of recent checkins from friends.

   - Users

             userDetails - Returns profile information.
              userBadges - Returns badges for a given user.
             userFriendList - Returns friend list of a given user.
              userMayorships - Returns a user's mayorships.
              userTips - Returns tips from a user.
             userApproveFriend - Approve a friend request.
             userUnfriend - Removes a friend.
             userUpdate - Update the user's profile photo.
              userCheckins - Returns a history of checkins for an
authenticated user.

   - Tips

              tipsAdd - Allows to add a new tip.
              tipsSearch - Returns a list of tips near the area specified.

Above are the selected methods to implement in Foursquare Connector from
provided Foursquare API resources [3]. According to the time scope given
and as this the 1st version of the Foursquare Connector we've selected the
above methods. We've not mentioned the methods that we've not selected
since there are lot of methods available in the API.

Your suggestions are much appreciated.


Best Regards,
Asanki Fernando.
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