Hi Malaka,

Okay. Thanks for the comment. We'll start with the project plan.

Best Regards,

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 6:34 PM, Malaka Silva <mal...@wso2.com> wrote:

> This looks good
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:49 AM, Asanki Fernando <
> iasankiferna...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Introduction
>> Foursquare makes apps that help people keep up and meet up with friends,
>> and discover great places. Foursquare is for explorers who want to try out
>> the best spots and like to share the experiences with others.
>> API
>> Foursquare API v2 using REST [1] [2] [3]
>> Foursquare Connector 1.0.0
>> As the first version main aspect is to having the main CRUD operations
>> and the frequently used foursquare operations using the OAuth
>> authentication.
>> Technology - REST
>> From the provided operations of the Foursquare API [3]  below are the
>> selected methods to implement in the Foursquare Connector 1.0.0
>> *Selected Methods*
>>    - Checkins
>>             checkinAdd - Allows you to check in to a place.
>>             checkinAddComment - Comment on a check-in
>>             checkinDeleteComment - Delete a comment on a check-in
>>             checkinDetails - Get details of a check-in
>>             checkinRecent - Getting a list of recent checkins from
>> friends.
>>    - Users
>>              userDetails - Returns profile information.
>>               userBadges - Returns badges for a given user.
>>              userFriendList - Returns friend list of a given user.
>>               userMayorships - Returns a user's mayorships.
>>               userTips - Returns tips from a user.
>>              userApproveFriend - Approve a friend request.
>>              userUnfriend - Removes a friend.
>>              userUpdate - Update the user's profile photo.
>>               userCheckins - Returns a history of checkins for an
>> authenticated user.
>>    - Tips
>>               tipsAdd - Allows to add a new tip.
>>               tipsSearch - Returns a list of tips near the area
>> specified.
>> Above are the selected methods to implement in Foursquare Connector from
>> provided Foursquare API resources [3]. According to the time scope given
>> and as this the 1st version of the Foursquare Connector we've selected the
>> above methods. We've not mentioned the methods that we've not selected
>> since there are lot of methods available in the API.
>> Your suggestions are much appreciated.
>> [1] https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/
>> [2] https://developer.foursquare.com/start
>> [3] https://apigee.com/resources/foursquare
>> Thanks,
>> Best Regards,
>> Asanki Fernando.
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> --
> Best Regards,
> Malaka Silva
> Senior Tech Lead
> M: +94 777 219 791
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> Skype : malaka.sampath.silva
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> Blog : http://mrmalakasilva.blogspot.com/
> WSO2, Inc.
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