
Im working on the $subject, and the objective is to apply Machine Learning
algorithms on the data stored by WSO2 BAM. Apache Mahout will be used as
the ML tool, for this purpose.

As per the discussion I had With Srinath, the procedure for $subject would

   - Test a Machine Learning algorithm using Mahout libraries within Java.
   - Implement a RESTful service which provides the above functionality.
   - Since Mahout also uses Hadoop, the above service can send Map Reduce
   Jobs to the Hadoop built inside the BAM.
   - Deploy the service as a Carbon Component on WSO2 BAM.

The first step is completed for now.
Any feedback is highly appreciated.


*Supun Sethunga*
Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.
lean | enterprise | middleware
Mobile : +94 716546324
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