Hi All,

We need to finalize the names for the mediator and artifact for storing
data receiver endpoint data. Following are the current candidates.

publishData vs publishEvent

*Endpoint config artifact*
dataSink/eventSink vs dataReceiver/eventReceiver

Can you please share your thoughts on the names to decide which is better?
Any new name suggestions are also welcome.


On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Maninda Edirisooriya <mani...@wso2.com>

> On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 8:13 PM, Lasantha Fernando <lasan...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Maninda,
>> On 24 October 2014 18:16, Maninda Edirisooriya <mani...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Lasantha Fernando <lasan...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Maninda,
>>>> On 24 October 2014 14:40, Maninda Edirisooriya <mani...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Lasantha Fernando <lasan...@wso2.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Maninda, all,
>>>>>> On 24 October 2014 12:39, Gihan Anuruddha <gi...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> We need to maintain a single location to give publisher credential
>>>>>>> details. At the moment we are maintaining same details in a different
>>>>>>> location that is a bit inconvenient.  As an example if we change
>>>>>>> BAM url then we have to change BAM server profiles as well as mediation
>>>>>>> stat publish UI as well. Also, this password should support secureVault.
>>>>>> +1
>>>>> Yes. When we can come up with the generic artifact which describes
>>>>> data sink URL and credentials, we can access them for all ESB components
>>>>> (like new mediator and mediation stats publisher) via a declarative
>>>>> service. As this artifact is dep synced across all the products other
>>>>> products too can get URL and credentials without any issue. All you have 
>>>>> to
>>>>> do is to install the feature to that product that exposes that declarative
>>>>> service.
>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Maninda Edirisooriya <
>>>>>>> mani...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> Today morning we had a discussion where Anjana, Lahiru, Vijitha,
>>>>>>>> Kasun and I participated.
>>>>>>>> There we decided to develop a common Data Publisher / Data Sink
>>>>>>>> axis2 artifact which is generic throughout the platform. This will 
>>>>>>>> enable
>>>>>>>> any other carbon products also for finding data publishing connection /
>>>>>>>> credential details when they want to publish data to CEP / BAM.
>>>>>> Are we going to couple with Axis2 for the data publisher/ data sink?
>>>>>> Querying about this since you had mentioned 'axis2 artifacts'.. :-).
>>>>> I am not sure about the new artifact type that is going to replace
>>>>> axis2 artifact deployment, and that is the reason I mentioned the name
>>>>> "axis2". Yes it is better if we can go with the new deployment artifact
>>>>> type. :)
>>>> In the current data-bridge model, we are not having Axis2 deployment
>>>> artifacts since the data receivers/data publishers are not hot-deployable
>>>> artifacts. In the current model, usually, we configure a single data
>>>> receiver for a server before start up and the no. of publishers , type are
>>>> also pre-configured and not hot-deployable. Are we going for a model with
>>>> multiple data publisher/data receiver artifacts deployed through an Axis2
>>>> deployer or similar?
>>> You are correct. We can use a configuration file for configuring Data
>>> Publishing server connection URL and credentials assuming all the tenants
>>> are publishing to the same BAM / CEP server in a multi-tenant environment.
>> I think we can go for hot-deployable data sink/data publisher artifacts
>> if there is a use case for that. I was actually wrong earlier in saying
>> that data publishers are not hot-deployable. In BAM/CEP output adaptors,
>> OutputWSO2Event adaptors are actually hot deployable. For ESB also, I think
>> there is the ability to configure the BAM server profiles dynamically.
>> Though I think the BAM server profiles are stored in registry and not hot
>> deployable. If we move these configs to a file, we are actually removing
>> existing functionality IMHO. So I guess we cannot move all the configs to a
>> file-based config. +1 from me to make Data Publisher configurations hot
>> deployable axis2 artifacts (Removing axis2 dependency has a long way to go
>> yet, I think). Sorry for suggesting otherwise earlier.. :-)
>> In databridge level, the receiver details and the no. of threads,event
>> queue size are file-based configurations.  The data sink/ data receiver
>> artifacts were not made hot deployable with assumption that keeping a
>> pre-configured single port listening for incoming Thrift traffic is
>> adequate. Shall we make it the same for the new Data Publisher/ Data Sink
>> configurations? i.e. file-based DataReceiver/DataSink and hot-deployable
>> DataPublisher (We also need to get the names right as well, I think. i.e.
>> DataPublisher vs EventPublihser, DataReceiver vs DataSink etc...) ? We can
>> make the DataSink part hot-deployable as well if there is a use case for
>> that? WDYT?
> As you say if we are going on with hot deployable artifacts other
> configurations like thrift threads etc. should be made configurable in this
> artifact. Therefore for the first step lets move with a configuration file
> and iteratively we can move that to a deployable artifact after considering
> the platform wide compatibility.
>>>>>> Can't we make it generic to the platform without coupling with Axis2
>>>>>> since we are moving away from Axis2 in other areas of the platform?
>>>>> Can you explain how to make it generic? This is really a problem I
>>>>> thought. I think we have to decide it before we completely get rid of
>>>>> Axis2. Maybe Azeez have an idea.
>>>>> Azeez, what do you think about the new artifact deployment modal
>>>>> independent from Axis2?
>>>>>>>> And specific to the ESB we are going to develop a mediator (it's
>>>>>>>> name is not confirmed yet) which will be similar to the current BAM
>>>>>>>> mediator which will refer to the above mentioned artifact for 
>>>>>>>> credentials
>>>>>>>> and connection parameters. As also we should include the transport we 
>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>> referring in that particular data sink / data publisher. For the first 
>>>>>>>> cut
>>>>>>>> we can use only the Thrift and hope to extend for HTTP and JMS in 
>>>>>>>> future.
>>>>>>>> In new implementation of the mediator, there will be no
>>>>>>>> configuration for Stream configuration like the BAM mediator. Instead 
>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>> will be inline configurations in the mediator XML which consists of
>>>>>>>> 1. a stream ID (or the combination of Stream Name and Stream
>>>>>>>> Version)
>>>>>>>> 2. and mappings from message XPath to the stream field. (i.e. maps
>>>>>>>> from message properties to the stream fields.)
>>>>>> +1 for mapping message to stream attributes as described above.
>>>>>>>> For the convenience to the user, we can prompt the stream fields
>>>>>>>> for mapping from the UI, (once stream ID is provided) if the stream is
>>>>>>>> already there in the stream definition store. Anyway there (if want to 
>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>> UI help) we have to use the existing streams that were already created 
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> CEP or BAM. But still you can add a mapping for a new stream which can
>>>>>>>> subsequently be added to the stream definition store from CEP or BAM.
>>>>>>>> We have decided to go for a mediator instead of a connector as this
>>>>>>>> has nothing to do for accessing an external API kind of operation but 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> publish data for our own products according to the connection 
>>>>>>>> information
>>>>>>>> given by the internal Data Publisher / Data Sink artifact.
>>>>>>>> WDYT about the cases when we use other transports like HTTP, JMS,
>>>>>>>> MQTT etc. ?
>>>>>> Will we really be needing HTTP, JMS support when communicating within
>>>>>> the platform across different products? Asking this since we already have
>>>>>> similar functionality in many places (e.g. ESB, BAM/CEP input adaptors) 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> our general architectural approach is to get the events/messages into the
>>>>>> platform from one product, then communicate within the platform using a
>>>>>> single native format for efficiency/performance. WDYT?
>>>>> Due to the client loadbalancing requirement of the Thrift endpoint
>>>>> there may be some limitations when it comes to publishing from one cluster
>>>>> to another cluster where data receiver thrift URLs are not visible outside
>>>>> from the second cluster. There we may have to use HTTP data sink type. And
>>>>> if there is a requirement for publishing to a 3rd party JMS topic we may
>>>>> need JMS support and so on. Anyway we should first focus on the Thrift 
>>>>> type
>>>>> and will think about others as the next steps. :)
>>>> If we are trying to send something over HTTP or JMS from ESB, can't we
>>>> make use of the already existing implementations within ESB to send to HTTP
>>>> or JMS endpoints? It will indeed be very useful to have a set of pluggable
>>>> transports that can be used by any product of the platform. I think the
>>>> concern is whether we will be redoing already available transports when
>>>> implementing HTTP/JMS for databridge level as well. Of course, I might have
>>>> misunderstood the approach mentioned here, if so, please correct me if am
>>>> wrong.. :-)
>>> In this data sink artifact we will build the messages according to the
>>> events used in the stream where the existing HTTP, JMS and etc. message
>>> endpoints are capable of sending raw messages. The example is Entitlement
>>> mediator where it sends data via HTTP and with a specific format.
>> Yes, that makes sense. In that case, I think the data publisher/event
>> publisher artifacts would provide a sort of pre-configured template for
>> sending events over HTTP, JMS to other WSO2 products and use the underlying
>> HTTP, JMS transport implementation that already exists.
>> Thanks,
>> Lasantha
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Lasantha
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Lasantha
>>>>>>>> Feedback is welcome.
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> *Maninda Edirisooriya*
>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>>> *WSO2, Inc.*lean.enterprise.middleware.
>>>>>>>> *Blog* : http://maninda.blogspot.com/
>>>>>>>> *E-mail* : mani...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>> *Skype* : @manindae
>>>>>>>> *Twitter* : @maninda
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Sriskandarajah Suhothayan <
>>>>>>>> s...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Mohanadarshan Vivekanandalingam <
>>>>>>>>> mo...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>>>> We had a discussion sometime back (last year) on this.. Please
>>>>>>>>>> check the mail thread [1] for more info..
>>>>>>>>> Yes, I believe we all agree that we need to improve the current
>>>>>>>>> BAM Mediator.
>>>>>>>>> When I had a chat with kasun on this he suggested writing it as a
>>>>>>>>> connector will be much cleaner.
>>>>>>>>> Where we can have the connection information and stream definition
>>>>>>>>> in <init> and <defineStream> then then pass the data via <publish>.
>>>>>>>>> I believe its better to have a f2f meeting with kasun on this.
>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>> Suho
>>>>>>>>> [1] [Architecture] Improving Data Publisher Mediator to replace
>>>>>>>>>> BAM Mediator
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Mohan
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Anjana Fernando <
>>>>>>>>>> anj...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sanjiva,
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 9:44 PM, Sanjiva Weerawarana <
>>>>>>>>>>> sanj...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Lahiru Chandima <
>>>>>>>>>>>> lahi...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We (Vijitha<vijit...@wso2.com> and myself) are going to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> develop an ESB Connector which can publish events to BAM and CEP.
>>>>>>>>>>>> We're currently using the words "ESB Connector" to mean
>>>>>>>>>>>> something that becomes a set of mediators to access (primarily) 
>>>>>>>>>>>> HTTP APIs.
>>>>>>>>>>>> This is not that right?? If so lets not use the same words please.
>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, I guess, this is simply a mediator, just like what we have
>>>>>>>>>>> now. It was just Kasun has mentioned to Suho, to create this as an 
>>>>>>>>>>> ESB
>>>>>>>>>>> Connector, where we haven't actually gone into what it means to 
>>>>>>>>>>> create a
>>>>>>>>>>> connector. @Kasun, maybe you can shed some light on this, on what 
>>>>>>>>>>> you meant
>>>>>>>>>>> earlier.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently, BAM mediator is used for sending events from ESB to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BAM. BAM Mediator needs to be configured with server details and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> streams
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to be defined prior to using them in sequences of ESB Synapse
>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> With new ESB connector, it will be possible to add all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> configurations needed to publish events to BAM or CEP in the ESB 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Synapse
>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration itself. This brings the configuration to a single 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> place
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unlike when using the BAM mediator.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this a real requirement? Do we expect different ESB configs
>>>>>>>>>>>> (running on the same server) to want to send data to different 
>>>>>>>>>>>> BAM/CEP
>>>>>>>>>>>> endpoints? I understand the multitenancy usecase - is it only for 
>>>>>>>>>>>> that?
>>>>>>>>>>> Actually, the idea here is, what we have now for defining the
>>>>>>>>>>> target for events, "BAM Profiles", to replace that. Basically in a 
>>>>>>>>>>> BAM
>>>>>>>>>>> Profile, we put all the information such as the event receiver 
>>>>>>>>>>> details, and
>>>>>>>>>>> the stream definition, and how the properties are mapped using 
>>>>>>>>>>> properties
>>>>>>>>>>> from a sequence. We want to clean this up by, simply having 
>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>> equivalent to a message store we have now, where we named is "data 
>>>>>>>>>>> sink"
>>>>>>>>>>> for now, to be the target for events, and the actual stream mapping 
>>>>>>>>>>> will be
>>>>>>>>>>> done by the mediator itself, in the sequence. And the motivation 
>>>>>>>>>>> for having
>>>>>>>>>>> this as an artifact in the synapse configuration is, where from a 
>>>>>>>>>>> place
>>>>>>>>>>> like DevStudio or any development environment, we can create these
>>>>>>>>>>> deployment artifacts can directly deploy them, without going to the 
>>>>>>>>>>> admin
>>>>>>>>>>> console and adding them through the UI.
>>>>>>>>>>>> *High level architecture - components.*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) New Synapse construct will be introduced to configure
>>>>>>>>>>>>> details related to the data sink (ie. CEP or BAM).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eg.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <dataSink name=”bam_thrift_server”>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     <url>tcp://localhost:7611<url>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     <username>admin</username>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     <password>admin</password>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> </dataSink>
>>>>>>>>>>>> What do we call this now? The term "dataSink" doesn't work for
>>>>>>>>>>>> me but that could be just me.
>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, we had a meeting sometime back to discuss this, and that
>>>>>>>>>>> day also, we couldn't decide on the name :) .. basically something 
>>>>>>>>>>> related
>>>>>>>>>>> to a dataSink, any suggestions? :) ..
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) An ESB connector will be developed which can be used to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> publish events to a data sink. Connector will use data-bridge API 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Thrift)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for publishing events (It will be possible to introduce new 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> transports
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other than Thrift later).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Once again, what are the operations? Why do we want to write a
>>>>>>>>>>>> connector instead of using / improving the current "BAM mediator"?
>>>>>>>>>>> So yeah, it will basically be improving/re-writing the current
>>>>>>>>>>> mediator, with a name like "dataPublish" or something, without any 
>>>>>>>>>>> "BAM"
>>>>>>>>>>> part, and with the stream property mapping part added there itself, 
>>>>>>>>>>> rather
>>>>>>>>>>> than having it in another place.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thrift stream related data (stream name, version and stream
>>>>>>>>>>>>> properties) will be configured in the ESB connector configuration 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Synapse config), which is more logical compared to configuring it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> separately as done in the BAM mediator.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you give a specific example to illustrate the difference
>>>>>>>>>>>> please?
>>>>>>>>>>> So basically in the current BAM mediator, we do not give the
>>>>>>>>>>> direct mapping to the stream properties there, we simply populate 
>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>> message context properties and call the mediator. And the mediator 
>>>>>>>>>>> simply
>>>>>>>>>>> looks up the information provided by the BAM Profile to do the 
>>>>>>>>>>> actual
>>>>>>>>>>> mapping, where in our profile, we have given like Xpath expressions 
>>>>>>>>>>> to say,
>>>>>>>>>>> what are the values in a specific target stream event.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>> Anjana.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjiva.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>> email: sanj...@wso2.com; office: (+1 650 745 4499 | +94  11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 214 5345) x5700; cell: +94 77 787 6880 | +1 408 466 5099;
>>>>>>>>>>>> voip: +1 650 265 8311
>>>>>>>>>>>> blog: http://sanjiva.weerawarana.org/; twitter: @sanjiva
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
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>>>>>>>>>>> *Anjana Fernando*
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>>>>>>>>>>> lean . enterprise . middleware
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>>>>>>>>>> *V. Mohanadarshan*
>>>>>>>>>> *Software Engineer,*
>>>>>>>>>> *Data Technologies Team,*
>>>>>>>>>> *WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com> *
>>>>>>>>>> *lean.enterprise.middleware.*
>>>>>>>>>> email: mo...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>> phone:(+94) 771117673
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *S. Suhothayan*
>>>>>>>>> Technical Lead & Team Lead of WSO2 Complex Event Processor
>>>>>>>>>  *WSO2 Inc. *http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>> * <http://wso2.com/>*
>>>>>>>>> lean . enterprise . middleware
>>>>>>>>> *cell: (+94) 779 756 757 <%28%2B94%29%20779%20756%20757> | blog:
>>>>>>>>> http://suhothayan.blogspot.com/ 
>>>>>>>>> <http://suhothayan.blogspot.com/>twitter:
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>>>>>>> W.G. Gihan Anuruddha
>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc.
>>>>>>> M: +94772272595
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Lasantha Fernando*
>>>>>> Software Engineer - Data Technologies Team
>>>>>> WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
>>>>>> email: lasan...@wso2.com
>>>>>> mobile: (+94) 71 5247551
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>>>> --
>>>> *Lasantha Fernando*
>>>> Software Engineer - Data Technologies Team
>>>> WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
>>>> email: lasan...@wso2.com
>>>> mobile: (+94) 71 5247551
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>>>> Architecture mailing list
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>> --
>> *Lasantha Fernando*
>> Software Engineer - Data Technologies Team
>> WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
>> email: lasan...@wso2.com
>> mobile: (+94) 71 5247551

Lahiru Chandima
*Senior Software Engineer*
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