Current G-Reg admin console is designed to associate only one Lifecycle
with a registry resource at any given time but it seems we have valid use
cases which require to associate more than one Lifecycle with a registry

E.g  - ES + G-Reg integration

- ES has an approval process which define and manage lifecycle of an assets
within the 'context of store'.

- Same asset/resource (e.g REST Service ) has governance lifecycle within
the 'context of G-Reg' (e.g - dev, Q/A, product status).

Right now both of above Lifecycles have been implemented using SCXML and
the problem is it's not possible to associate more than one Lifecycle with
a registry resource. During the last week we had a meeting and identified
supporting to associate multiple Lifecycles is the best way go forward.

Further in order to realize this multiple Lifecycles concept properly we
should think associating more than one Lifecycle result into associating
multiple 'contexts' to a resource and under each context the resource can
have independent/dependent lifecycles.    Further with this change 'state'
of a resource should be qualified with a given context, in other words
question "what is the state of resource A" should be raised as "what is the
state of a resource A under 'context -X' ".

As an example consider "Published a Q/A stage service into the store'

- Under project or governance context - service state is 'Q/A'
- Under Store context                           - service is  'Published'

@Senka, I would like to know is there any specific reason that we haven't
implement this support in past ?  If there is no such barrier we can
proceed further.

 Thanks !
Sagara Gunathunga

Senior Technical Lead; WSO2, Inc.;
V.P Apache Web Services;
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