Hi Gimantha,

I think it's better if you could change the API #3 to something more
meaningful like *GET /analytics/tables/is-exists?tableName=<table-name>*.
When you have the following format for that API, it's more like you are
trying to fetch the table instead of checking for its existence. Anyway
that's a minor issue and may be not-applicable to your domain.

3. Check if a table exists
*GET /analytics/tables?tableName=<table-name>*
; table-name - The name of the table being checked.


Lakshitha Harshan
Software Engineer
Mobile: *+94724423048*
Email: hars...@wso2.com
Blog : http://harshanliyanage.blogspot.com/
*WSO2, Inc. :** wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>*

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Roshan Wijesena <ros...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Gimantha,
> Don't we need to maintain a version with an API?
> Regards
> Roshan
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 3:08 AM, Gimantha Bandara <giman...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I changed the APIs so they follow the convention and i tested if there
>> are conflicts between some APIs. JAX RS treats *GET
>> /analytics/tables/{tableName}/{from} *, *GET
>> /analytics/tables/{tableName}/recordcount *and *GET
>> /analytics/tables/{tableName}/indices* as different APIs, so there will
>> not be any conflict.
>> Changed APIs :
>> 1. Create a table
>> *POST /analytics/tables*
>> {
>>    tableName : "<table-name>"
>> }
>>  ; table-name - The name of the table to be created.
>> 2. Delete a table.
>> *DELETE /analytics/tables*/*{tableName}*
>> ; tableName - The name of the table to be deleted.
>> 3. Check if a table exists
>> *GET /analytics/tables?tableName=<table-name>*
>> ; table-name - The name of the table being checked.
>> 4. List All the tables
>> *GET /analytics/tables*
>> ;Response will be an JSON array of table names. e.g. [ "table1" ,
>> "table2" , "table3" ]
>> 5. Get the records from a table.
>> *GET /analytics/tables/{tableName}/{from}/{to}/{start}/{count}*
>> ; tableName - The name of the table from which the records are retrieved.
>> ; from - The starting time to get records from.
>> ; to - The ending time to get records to.
>> ; start - The paginated index from value
>> ; count - The paginated records count to be read
>> ; response - takes the format of the request content of No.7
>> 7. Create records ( can be created in different tables or in the same )
>> *POST /analytics/records*
>> ; Content - A list of records in json format like in below.
>> [
>>     {
>>         "id": "id1", (optional),
>>         "tableName": "tableName1",
>>         "timestamp": "<long-value>", (optional)
>>         "values":
>>         {
>>             "columnName1": "value1",
>>             "columnName2": "value2"
>>         }
>>     },
>>    {
>>         "tableName": "tableName2",
>>         "values":
>>         {
>>             "columnName1": "value1",
>>             "columnName2": "value2"
>>         }
>>     },
>> ]
>> 8. Delete records
>> *DELETE /analytics/tables/{tableName}/{timeFrom}/{timeTo}*
>> ; tableName - Name of the table from which the records are deleted.
>> ; timeFrom - The starting time to delete records from.
>> ; timeTo - The end time to delete records to.
>> 9. Update a set of records
>> *PUT /analytics/records* ( PATCH will be more suitable, but jax rs does
>> not give PATCH method out of the box so we have to implement it)
>> ; Content - As same as the POST method for creating records
>> 10. Get the record count of table
>> *GET /analytics/tables/{tableName}/recordcount*
>> ; tableName - The name of the table
>> 11. Create Indices for a table
>> *POST /analytics/tables/{tableName}/indices*
>> ; tableName - The name of the table of which the indices are set
>> ; Content - takes the following format. TYPE is one of "INTEGER",
>> {
>>     "indexColumnName1" : "TYPE1",
>>     "indexColumnName2" : "TYPE2"
>> }
>> 12. get the indices of a table
>> *GET /analytics/tables/{tableName}/indices*
>> ; tableName - The name of the table
>> ; Response will be of the format of the previous POST request's Content.
>> 13. Clear the indices of a table
>> *DELETE /analytics/tables/{tableName}/indices*
>> ; tableName - The name of the table
>> 14. Search records of a table
>> *POST /analytics/search*
>> ; Content - takes the following format
>> {
>>     "tableName": "sampleTableName",
>>     "language": "sampleLanguageName",
>>     "query": "sampleQuery",
>>     "start": "start-location-of-the-result",
>>     "count": "maximum-number-of-entries-to-return"
>> }
>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 8:38 AM, Anjana Fernando <anj...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Gimantha,
>>> You haven't really replied to Sinthuja's points there. We have to decide
>>> if we are going ahead with Sinthuja's suggestions, or not. Lets first
>>> educate ourselves on the best practices of RESTful API design a bit,
>>> Googling helps [1]. For example, I'm also not sure if should be
>>> /analytics/{tableName}/records or /analytics/records/{tableName}, each has
>>> benefits, like, first approach can have ambiguity issues, specially when
>>> there other operations with optional fields. And also, I guess we will need
>>> to have /analytics/tables/{tableName} for creating tables etc.. or else,
>>> for example when we do a POST for like "/analytics/T1", it may not be that
>>> informative what we are actually doing there.
>>> [1]
>>> https://www.google.com/search?q=REST+service+design&gws_rd=ssl#q=REST+api+design
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anjana.
>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Gimantha Bandara <giman...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Goood point!. Initially the search was implemented such a way that it
>>>> returns a list of ids of records that match the query. Now the search
>>>> method is changed, so it returns the records. So +1 for removing the API
>>>> #6.
>>>> @Sinduja, @Harshan
>>>>    Thanks for the reference links and for the feedback.
>>>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 6:52 PM, Harshan Liyanage <hars...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Gimantha,
>>>>> Could you please explain the use-case for the API  #6? IMO there
>>>>> should not be any operation to fetch a list of records by ids. Instead
>>>>> there could be an API which sends a list of records as the response for a
>>>>> query.
>>>>> For the API #14 you can still use GET method with query strings. I
>>>>> think you have included start & count parameters to control the 
>>>>> pagination.
>>>>> For that you can use the HTTP range-header [1] or link headers as 
>>>>> mentioned
>>>>> in [2].
>>>>> [1]. http://otac0n.com/blog/2012/11/21/range-header-i-choose-you.html
>>>>> [2]. https://developer.github.com/v3/#pagination
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Lakshitha Harshan
>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>> Mobile: *+94724423048*
>>>>> Email: hars...@wso2.com
>>>>> Blog : http://harshanliyanage.blogspot.com/
>>>>> *WSO2, Inc. :** wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>*
>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware.
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Gimantha Bandara <giman...@wso2.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Harshan,
>>>>>> Thanks for the feedback. The list of IDs of the records to be
>>>>>> retrieved can be too long. So setting a list of ids as a query param is 
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> convenient. Even for the Search, we have to pass a query, which can be 
>>>>>> too
>>>>>> long. Thats why the post method is used for Search.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Sinthuja Ragendran <
>>>>>> sinth...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Gimantha,
>>>>>>> I think following the conventions will be more intuitive to the
>>>>>>> users, and we should have a proper reason to not follow. And the post
>>>>>>> request is generally needs to be sent to create the object and the back 
>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>> is going to decide where to create the tables resource, therefore it 
>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>> be POST to '/analytics/tables' and message body should be having the 
>>>>>>> table
>>>>>>> name. If you want to use /analytics/{tableName}, then you should
>>>>>>> use PUT rather POST [1]. But IMO POST is the most suitable operation for
>>>>>>> this context.
>>>>>>> And through out the below given URL patterns, in order to fetch the
>>>>>>> records from a table, you have used '/analytics/records/{tableName}' url
>>>>>>> pattern where 'records' is in the middle and it is not the correct data
>>>>>>> hierarchy and again I feel it's not the convention. Basically tables
>>>>>>> contains records and not records contains tables. Therefore if we use
>>>>>>> POST to '/analytics/tables' for create table, then you can use
>>>>>>> simply user 'analytics/{tableName}' to GET/POST for the tables, IMHO the
>>>>>>> records is just an additional segment which is not needed to be here.
>>>>>>> [1] http://restcookbook.com/HTTP%20Methods/put-vs-post
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Sinthuja.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 1:29 AM, Gimantha Bandara <giman...@wso2.com
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Sinduja,
>>>>>>>> Thank you for the feedback.
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Sinthuja Ragendran <
>>>>>>>> sinth...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi gimantha,
>>>>>>>>> Please see the comments inline.
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 11:24 PM, Gimantha Bandara <
>>>>>>>>> giman...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> Currently, I am working on $subject. Basically the methods in
>>>>>>>>>> AnalyticsDataService will be exposed through REST APIs. Please refer 
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> Architecture mail thread "*[Architecture] BAM 3.0 Data Layer
>>>>>>>>>> Implementation / RDBMS / Distributed Indexing / Search*" for
>>>>>>>>>> more Details. Following are the supported REST APIs.
>>>>>>>>>> 1. Create a table
>>>>>>>>>> *POST /analytics/{tableName}*
>>>>>>>>>>  ; tableName - The name of the table to be created.
>>>>>>>>> IMHO the above should be POST to '/analytics/*tables*' and the
>>>>>>>>> request content should have the table name as given below.
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>  "tableName" : "Test"
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> Since the POST takes only the table name, it is straightforward to
>>>>>>>> use it as a path parameter.
>>>>>>>>>> 2. Delete a table
>>>>>>>>>> *DELETE /analytics/{tableName} *
>>>>>>>>>> ; tableName - The name of the table to be deleted.
>>>>>>>>>> 3. Check if a table exists
>>>>>>>>>> *GET /analytics/{tableName} *
>>>>>>>>>> ; tableName - The name of the table being checked.
>>>>>>>>>> 4. List All the tables
>>>>>>>>>> *GET /analytics/tables*
>>>>>>>>>> ;Response will be an JSON array of table names. e.g. [ "table1" ,
>>>>>>>>>> "table2" , "table3" ]
>>>>>>>>>> 5. Get the records from a table.
>>>>>>>>>> *GET /analytics/records/{tableName}/{from}/{to}/{start}/{count} *
>>>>>>>>>> ; tableName - The name of the table from which the records are
>>>>>>>>>> retrieved.
>>>>>>>>>> ; from - The starting time to get records from.
>>>>>>>>>> ; to - The ending time to get records to.
>>>>>>>>>> ; start - The paginated index from value
>>>>>>>>>> ; count - The paginated records count to be read
>>>>>>>>>> ; response - takes the format of the request content of No.7
>>>>>>>>> Do we need to have 'records' in the URL?  I think it's better to
>>>>>>>>> have  */analytics/{tableName}/{from}/{to}/{start}/{count} *
>>>>>>>> "records" is there to avoid conflicts with other contexts. As an
>>>>>>>> example, If we remove "records", the URL will take the format
>>>>>>>> "/analytics/{tableName}", which is already a defined REST API.
>>>>>>>>>> 6. Get the records from a table (By IDs)
>>>>>>>>>> *POST /analytics/records/{tableName}*
>>>>>>>>>> ; tableName - The name of the table from which the records are
>>>>>>>>>> retrieved.
>>>>>>>>>> ; Content  - A List of IDs of the records to be retrieved in the
>>>>>>>>>> following format.
>>>>>>>>>> [ "id1" , "id2" , "id3" ]
>>>>>>>>>> ; response - takes the format of the request content of No.7
>>>>>>>>> Similarly can we have this as * /analytics/{tableName}?*
>>>>>>>>>> 7. Create records ( can be created in different tables or in the
>>>>>>>>>> same )
>>>>>>>>>> *POST /analytics/records*
>>>>>>>>>> ; Content - A list of records in json format like in below.
>>>>>>>>>> [
>>>>>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>>>>>         "id": "id1",
>>>>>>>>>>         "tenantId": -1234,
>>>>>>>>>>         "tableName": "tableName1",
>>>>>>>>>>         "timestamp": "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss",
>>>>>>>>>>         "values":
>>>>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>>>>             "columnName1": "value1",
>>>>>>>>>>             "columnName2": "value2"
>>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>>>>>    {
>>>>>>>>>>         "id": "id2",
>>>>>>>>>>         "tenantId": -1234,
>>>>>>>>>>         "tableName": "tableName2",
>>>>>>>>>>         "timestamp": "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss",
>>>>>>>>>>         "values":
>>>>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>>>>             "columnName1": "value1",
>>>>>>>>>>             "columnName2": "value2"
>>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>>>>> 8. Delete records
>>>>>>>>>> *DELETE /analytics/records/{tableName}/{timeFrom}/{timeTo}*
>>>>>>>>>> ; tableName - Name of the table from which the records are
>>>>>>>>>> deleted.
>>>>>>>>>> ; timeFrom - The starting time to delete records from.
>>>>>>>>>> ; timeTo - The end time to delete records to.
>>>>>>>>> Again do we need to have 'records' in the middle?  IMHO
>>>>>>>>> /analytics/{tableName}/{timeFrom}/{timeTo} is better.
>>>>>>>>> 9. Update records
>>>>>>>>>> *PUT /analytics/records*
>>>>>>>>>> ; Content - As same as the POST method for creating records
>>>>>>>>>> 10. Get the record count of table
>>>>>>>>>> *GET /analytics/count/{tableName}*
>>>>>>>>>> ; tableName - The name of the table
>>>>>>>>>> 11. Create Indices for a table
>>>>>>>>>> *POST /analytics/indices/{tableName}*
>>>>>>>>>> ; tableName - The name of the table of which the indices are set
>>>>>>>>>> ; Content - takes the following format. TYPE is one of "INTEGER",
>>>>>>>>>> "BOOLEAN", "DOUBLE", "STRING", "FLOAT", "LONG"
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>     "indexColumnName1" : "TYPE1",
>>>>>>>>>>     "indexColumnName2" : "TYPE2"
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> 12. get the indices of a table
>>>>>>>>>> *GET /analytics/indices/{tableName}*
>>>>>>>>>> ; tableName - The name of the table
>>>>>>>>>> ; Response will be of the format of the previous POST request's
>>>>>>>>>> Content.
>>>>>>>>>> 13. Clear the indices of a table
>>>>>>>>>> *DELETE /analytics/indices/{tableName}*
>>>>>>>>>> ; tableName - The name of the table
>>>>>>>>>> 14. Search records of a table
>>>>>>>>>> *POST /analytics/search*
>>>>>>>>>> ; Content - takes the following format
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>     "tableName": "sampleTableName",
>>>>>>>>>>     "language": "sampleLanguageName",
>>>>>>>>>>     "query": "sampleQuery",
>>>>>>>>>>     "start": "start-location-of-the-result",
>>>>>>>>>>     "count": "maximum-number-of-entries-to-return"
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> IMHO this should be a GET request.
>>>>>>>> Here the problem is, that the search method in AnalyticsDataService
>>>>>>>> takes few parameters. If we are to implement it as a GET, then we will 
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> to put all the parameters in the URL itself.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Sinthuja.
>>>>>>>>>> If a method does not have a specific response mentioned above,
>>>>>>>>>> the response will take the following format.
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>> "status" : "statusValue",
>>>>>>>>>> "message" : "sampleMessage"
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> Suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Gimanthaa Bandara
>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>>> WSO2. Inc : http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>> Mobile : +94714961919
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Architecture mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Architecture@wso2.org
>>>>>>>>>> https://mail.wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/architecture
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *Sinthuja Rajendran*
>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer <http://wso2.com/>
>>>>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>> Blog: http://sinthu-rajan.blogspot.com/
>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94774273955
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Architecture mailing list
>>>>>>>>> Architecture@wso2.org
>>>>>>>>> https://mail.wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/architecture
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Gimantha Bandara
>>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>>> WSO2. Inc : http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>> Mobile : +94714961919
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Sinthuja Rajendran*
>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer <http://wso2.com/>
>>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.:http://wso2.com
>>>>>>> Blog: http://sinthu-rajan.blogspot.com/
>>>>>>> Mobile: +94774273955
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Gimantha Bandara
>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>> WSO2. Inc : http://wso2.com
>>>>>> Mobile : +94714961919
>>>> --
>>>> Gimantha Bandara
>>>> Software Engineer
>>>> WSO2. Inc : http://wso2.com
>>>> Mobile : +94714961919
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Architecture mailing list
>>>> Architecture@wso2.org
>>>> https://mail.wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/architecture
>>> --
>>> *Anjana Fernando*
>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>> WSO2 Inc. | http://wso2.com
>>> lean . enterprise . middleware
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Architecture mailing list
>>> Architecture@wso2.org
>>> https://mail.wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/architecture
>> --
>> Gimantha Bandara
>> Software Engineer
>> WSO2. Inc : http://wso2.com
>> Mobile : +94714961919
>> _______________________________________________
>> Architecture mailing list
>> Architecture@wso2.org
>> https://mail.wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/architecture
> --
> Roshan Wijesena.
> Senior Software Engineer-WSO2 Inc.
> Mobile: *+94719154640 <%2B94719154640>*
> Email: ros...@wso2.com
> *WSO2, Inc. :** wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>*
> lean.enterprise.middleware.
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> Architecture@wso2.org
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