We are about to release G-Reg 5.0.0 M3 pack but found an issue when
releasing a milestone version.  Let me take G-Reg as an example, G-Reg
5.0.0-M3 version is depends on carbon-governance SNAPSHOT version  and that
is a legitimate use as well ( As G-Reg 5.0.0-M3 version, we actually
release some of the completed features of carbon-governance/carbon-registry
repos.)  but Maven release plug-in does not support to release any project
with SNAPSHOT dependencies [1] [4], so we have 2 options to solve this

*1. ) Modify Maven release plug-in to allow  SNAPSHOT dependencies.*

- Fix is relatively straightforward, we just have to remove validation in
code and allow  SNAPSHOT dependencies.

- No change to release process.

- We have to fork and maintain Maven release plug-in locally and will lose
new changes from Apache.

- If we consider G-Reg-5.0.0-M3 pack, technically it's a milestone version
not a snapshot version so as a principle 'creation process of the pack'
should be repeatable but if we allow SNAPSHOT dependencies inside product
packs 'creation process of the pack' is not repeatable.  This is not
something standard, if we decided to go with this approach at least we
should not call them as milestone packs instead SNAPSHOT packs (like
nightly builds)  e.g -   G-Reg-5.0.0-SNAPSHOT-08-03-15 pack etc.

*2.) Instead of SNAPSHOT dependencies, first release own dependencies with
M-'X'   (e.g  - carbon-governance-4.4.0-M1 ) and then use these released
versions within the milestone product pack. *

Example - G-Reg 5.0.0-M3 pack can have carbon-governance-4.4.0-M2 and
carbon-registry-4.3.2-M5  but NOT carbon-identity-4.3.1-M2

- Again relatively straightforward, we don't need to fork and maintain
Maven release plug-in.

- AFAIK adding post-fix to distinguish Milestone, Alpha, Beta versions is a
standard practise [2] , [3] hence end users already aware not to use
milestone versions in production.

- There is a chance that other teams can use M-X packs in there milestone
releases,  we need a proper governance and disciplines not to do that (e.g
- carbon-governance-4.4.0-M1 should be only  use by G-Reg team within WSO2
other than special permissions)


[1] -

[2] - Spring releases  -

[3] - Hibernate releases -

[4] - When I tied for above, build was stopped with following error.


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.5.1:prepare (default-cli)
on project carbon-governance: Can't release project due to non released
dependencies :





[ERROR] in project 'WSO2 Carbon - Governance'

Thanks !
Sagara Gunathunga

Senior Technical Lead; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com
V.P Apache Web Services;    http://ws.apache.org/
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