Caused by: InvalidTopologyException(msg:Component: [query6] subscribes from
non-existent stream: [outputEmailStream] of component [EventPublisherBolt])

To add my two cents. This seems to be a bug in storm component wiring
logic. Event publishers are terminal bolts. Therefore, there can't be any
storm output streams for them and apparently query6 bolt is trying to a
ssubscribe to stream which does not exists.

*,Sajith Ravindra*
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.;

mobile: +94 77 2273550

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Miyuru Dayarathna <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I tested the CEP+Storm functionality of the CEP pack which I received
> today from Sachini. I was able to run the Email processor benchmark
> (without the metric collection branch) in the CEP on Storm implementation.
> See the attached image for details of the query network. However, the
> metric collection branch of the query network cannot be deployed in the
> latest CEP pack. The management console says "Queries are valid!" when I
> click the Validate Query Expressions button of "Create a New Execution
> Plan" form. But when I try to add the query network by clicking "Add
> Execution Plan" button I get an error message saying,
> "Failed to add execution plan, Exception: Invalid Execution Plan
> EmailProcessor for tenant -1234"
> Listed below is part of the exception I received on the CEP server's
> command line,
> Caused by:
> org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.exception.ExecutionPlanConfigurationException:
> Invalid Execution Plan EmailProcessor for tenant -1234
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.storm.TopologyManager.submitTopology(
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.CarbonEventProcessorService.addExecutionPlan(
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.EventProcessorDeployer.processDeploy(
> ... 69 more
> Caused by: InvalidTopologyException(msg:Component: [query6] subscribes
> from non-existent stream: [outputEmailStream] of component
> [EventPublisherBolt])
> at
> backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus$
> Therefore, at the moment I can run only the trunk of the query network. I
> will try to find an alternative for implementing the metrics collection
> feature. It would be great if someone from CEP team could investigate the
> reason for such error. I have mentioned some important tips that are useful
> for deploying CEP on Storm queries.
> During the meeting I had with Srinath today we discussed that we should
> compare performance of CEP on Storm implementation with naive storm
> implementation of the Email Processor benchmark. As the immediate next step
> I will attach the custom event producer and consumers to the EmailProcessor
> benchmark and do performance tests.
> Thanks,
> Miyuru
> Some tips:
> 1) We have to make sure that we copy the CEP standard/custom extensions
> (e.g., regex-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) to the $STORM_HOME/lib directory before
> running any CEP on Storm applications which need to use such extensions.
> 2) The syntax "@info(name = 'query1')"  is not valid for CEP on Storm. In
> order to set the names for each bolt created for each query operator, we
> have to use the syntax "@name('query1')" instead.
> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Miyuru Dayarathna <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Srinath,
>> Yes, I received the latest CEP pack from Sachini in today's morning. Now
>> I am testing whether the sample 2001 can be run on this pack. Once I get
>> confirmed that the sample 2001 works properly, I will resume the
>> benchmarking task of CEP+Storm implementation.
>> Thanks,
>> Miyuru
>> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Srinath Perera <> wrote:
>>> Did you get the packs? update please.
>>> On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 9:10 PM, Miyuru Dayarathna <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Srinath,
>>>> The benchmarking experiments of the CEP+Storm version got somewhat
>>>> delayed because there were some query plan validation issues with the CEP
>>>> management console. I faced these issues when I was trying to deploy
>>>> queries with custom CEP extensions. I worked with Suho about this on last
>>>> week's Thursday and Friday. The latest CEP pack which I received from Suho
>>>> solves the query validation issue. But the query network does not get
>>>> deployed on Storm in this version of the pack. We are working on to solve
>>>> this issue at the moment. In the mean time I will do a performance test of
>>>> the CEP server with the EmailProcessor benchmark, without use of Storm
>>>> until I receive an updated pack from CEP team.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Miyuru
>>>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 12:53 PM, Miyuru Dayarathna <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sajith,
>>>>> Yes, we should use the @dist(parallel='n') annotation when we develop
>>>>> the benchmark for WSO2 CEP on Storm implementation.  However, currently
>>>>> I am working on developing that version of the application. The Siddhi
>>>>> queries mentioned in my previous email were developed using Siddhi 3.0.0
>>>>> and were run on single computer without using Storm. Thanks for reminding
>>>>> me about this important point.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Miyuru
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Sajith Ravindra <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Miyuru,
>>>>>> Shouldn't we have the @dist(parallel='n') annotation to have multiple
>>>>>> instances of Siddhi bolts who executes a given query ?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> *,Sajith Ravindra*
>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.;
>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>> mobile: +94 77 2273550
>>>>>> blog:
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 1:47 PM, Lasantha Fernando <
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Miyuru!
>>>>>>> On 22 April 2015 at 12:01, Miyuru Dayarathna <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Lasantha,
>>>>>>>> Ok, I have prepared some slides on the EmailProcessing benchmark
>>>>>>>> which can be accessed from [1
>>>>>>>> <>].
>>>>>>>> The slides describe the benchmark scenario. I have mentioned the Siddhi
>>>>>>>> queries below as well.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Miyuru
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> String inputEmailStream = "define stream inputEmailsStream (
>>>>>>>> iij_timestamp float, fromAddress string, toAddresses string,"
>>>>>>>>                          + "ccAddresses string, bccAddresses
>>>>>>>> string, subject string, body string, regexstr string); ";
>>>>>>>> //The following two queries (query 1 and query2) are used to filter
>>>>>>>> the emails that do not originate from domain.
>>>>>>>> String query1 = "@info(name = 'query1') from inputEmailsStream
>>>>>>>> select iij_timestamp, regex:find(fromAddress, regexstr) as
>>>>>>>> isValidFromAddress, fromAddress, toAddresses, ccAddresses, 
>>>>>>>> bccAddresses,
>>>>>>>> subject, body insert into filteredEmailStream1;";
>>>>>>>> String query2 = "@info(name = 'query2') from
>>>>>>>> filteredEmailStream1[isValidFromAddress == true] select * insert into
>>>>>>>> filteredEmailStream2;";
>>>>>>>> String query3 = "@info(name = 'query3') from filteredEmailStream2
>>>>>>>> select iij_timestamp, fromAddress,
>>>>>>>> emailProcessorBenchmark:filter(toAddresses) as toAdds,
>>>>>>>> emailProcessorBenchmark:filter(ccAddresses) as ccAdds,
>>>>>>>> emailProcessorBenchmark:filter(bccAddresses) as bccAdds, subject, body
>>>>>>>> insert into filteredEmailStream3;";
>>>>>>>> String query4 = "@info(name = 'query4') from filteredEmailStream3
>>>>>>>> select iij_timestamp, fromAddress, toAdds, ccAdds, bccAdds, subject,
>>>>>>>> emailProcessorBenchmark:modify(body) as bodyObfuscated insert into
>>>>>>>> modifiedEmailStream;";
>>>>>>>> String query5 = "@info(name = 'query5') from modifiedEmailStream
>>>>>>>> select iij_timestamp, fromAddress, toAdds, ccAdds, bccAdds,
>>>>>>>> emailProcessorBenchmark:mostFrequentWord(bodyObfuscated, subject) as
>>>>>>>> updatedSubject, bodyObfuscated insert into outputEmailStream;";
>>>>>>>> String query6 = "@info(name = 'query6') from outputEmailStream
>>>>>>>> select iij_timestamp, emailProcessorBenchmark:metrics(bodyObfuscated) 
>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>> metrics insert into emailMetricsNonFilteredStream;";
>>>>>>>> String query7 = "@info(name = 'query7') from
>>>>>>>> emailMetricsNonFilteredStream select iij_timestamp, metrics output last
>>>>>>>> every 10 sec insert into emailMetricsStream;";
>>>>>>>> ​
>>>>>>>>  CEP on Storm Performance Testing
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> ​
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 11:36 AM, Lasantha Fernando <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Miyuru,
>>>>>>>>> Would it be possible to share the Siddhi queries that were run as
>>>>>>>>> well just to get an idea the type of queries that were run? (e.g. 
>>>>>>>>> Window
>>>>>>>>> queries, Filter queries etc.)
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Lasantha
>>>>>>>>> On 22 April 2015 at 10:48, Miyuru Dayarathna <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> ​​Hi Srinath,
>>>>>>>>>> I have shared the performance numbers of the Siddhi 3.0.0 version
>>>>>>>>>> of the EmailProcessing Benchmark on [1
>>>>>>>>>> <>].
>>>>>>>>>> As per the discussion we had during the meeting, I will port the 
>>>>>>>>>> Siddhi
>>>>>>>>>> queries to CEP+Storm implementation today and will update this email 
>>>>>>>>>> thread
>>>>>>>>>> with the performance numbers from my local WSO2 CEP + Storm cluster.
>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru
>>>>>>>>>> ​
>>>>>>>>>>  EmailProcessing Benchmark Stats
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> ​
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Praneesha Chandrasiri <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Miyuru,
>>>>>>>>>>> +1. Thanks for the feedback. Will work with you to improve the
>>>>>>>>>>> docs.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 11:18 AM, Miyuru Dayarathna <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Praneesha,
>>>>>>>>>>>> As I mentioned earlier I was able to run the WSO2 CEP sample
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2001 after going through the documentation of sample 2001 [1
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>].
>>>>>>>>>>>> I had to seek support from Tishan, Lasantha during this process. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> There are
>>>>>>>>>>>> several places in the documentation which I think could be 
>>>>>>>>>>>> improved which I
>>>>>>>>>>>> have mentioned below.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like if the documentation could provide some more
>>>>>>>>>>>> details on setting up a storm cluster (i.e., a local Storm 
>>>>>>>>>>>> cluster) or at
>>>>>>>>>>>> least provide some pointers. The statement "2. Apache Storm 
>>>>>>>>>>>> deployment." is
>>>>>>>>>>>> not informative. I think we need more description of what we mean 
>>>>>>>>>>>> by Apache
>>>>>>>>>>>> Storm deployment. For example, we can point the reader to some of 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> existing tutorials on setting up a storm cluster such as [3
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> ][4
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>].
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Storm's documentation [4
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>]
>>>>>>>>>>>> on setting up Storm development environment provides only part of 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> required information. For example, to get my local Storm cluster 
>>>>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>>>>> properly, I had to use the default Storm configuration information 
>>>>>>>>>>>> listed
>>>>>>>>>>>> in "defaults.yaml" [5
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>]
>>>>>>>>>>>> rather than using the configurations on "storm.yaml.example" [6
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> ].
>>>>>>>>>>>> After setting up a local Storm cluster, I used the following
>>>>>>>>>>>> set of commands on three different terminals on Ubuntu to get the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> sample
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2001 running.
>>>>>>>>>>>> #(1): Thrift server
>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>> "~/software/wso2cep-4.0.0-SNAPSHOT/samples/consumers/wso2-event" 
>>>>>>>>>>>> run ant
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Dhost=localhost -Dprotocol=thrift -Dsn=2001
>>>>>>>>>>>> #(2): cep-server
>>>>>>>>>>>> on "~/software/wso2cep-4.0.0-SNAPSHOT/bin" run
>>>>>>>>>>>> ./ -sn 2001
>>>>>>>>>>>> #(3): client
>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>> "~/software/wso2cep-4.0.0-SNAPSHOT/samples/producers/analytics-stats"
>>>>>>>>>>>>  run
>>>>>>>>>>>> ant -Devents=10 -Dhost=localhost -Dport=7611
>>>>>>>>>>>> I did not find a particular difference due to the execution
>>>>>>>>>>>> order of the (1) thrift server and the (2) WSO2 CEP server. Either 
>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>> could be started first.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Note that (1) and (3) can be executed just by running ant
>>>>>>>>>>>> without any parameters. However, the parameters provided to ant 
>>>>>>>>>>>> are very
>>>>>>>>>>>> important in (1) and (3) if we are providing any. For example, the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> port
>>>>>>>>>>>> 7611 in (3) is very important. This is the Thrift port on which 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the CEP
>>>>>>>>>>>> server is listening. The producer needs to send events to this 
>>>>>>>>>>>> port rather
>>>>>>>>>>>> than 7661 on which the producer listens. In a local deployment 
>>>>>>>>>>>> this may
>>>>>>>>>>>> confuse the reader since the events will be directly sent to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> producer
>>>>>>>>>>>> process rather than getting directed through CEP server and Storm 
>>>>>>>>>>>> if the
>>>>>>>>>>>> reader uses -Dport=7661 accidentally. Furthermore, there is no 
>>>>>>>>>>>> information
>>>>>>>>>>>> on use of port 7611 in the current documentation. Hence, it becomes
>>>>>>>>>>>> difficult for first time users to figure out such parameters if 
>>>>>>>>>>>> they try
>>>>>>>>>>>> them out.
>>>>>>>>>>>> IMO the documentation should say that once the WSO2 CEP server
>>>>>>>>>>>> starts there should be a topology named "PreprocessStats[-1234]" 
>>>>>>>>>>>> appearing
>>>>>>>>>>>> on the Storm UI page. If the sample runs correctly, we should find 
>>>>>>>>>>>> non-zero
>>>>>>>>>>>> topology stats values of this topology listed on Storm UI.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Minor comments on English mistakes and the content of CEP Storm
>>>>>>>>>>>> documentation
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) "Filters events from analyticsStats stream and insert
>>>>>>>>>>>> results into filteredStatStream."-->"insert results" needs to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>> changed to
>>>>>>>>>>>> "inserts results"
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) On [2
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>],
>>>>>>>>>>>> "artefacts" needs to be changed to "artifacts"
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) Under the thrid point of "Prerequisites" what do we mean by
>>>>>>>>>>>> "wka" of the following setting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>    <parameter name="membershipScheme">wka</parameter>
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) what do we mean by
>>>>>>>>>>>>    To enable CEP to talk to Apache Storm add the Nimbus,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Zookeeper, etc information at
>>>>>>>>>>>> <CEP_HOME>/repository/conf/cep/storm/storm.yaml file on both 
>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes.  ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> "both nodes"?
>>>>>>>>>>>> We can work on improving the documentation on at least some of
>>>>>>>>>>>> these aspects.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru
>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>>>>>>> [4]
>>>>>>>>>>>> [5]
>>>>>>>>>>>> [6]
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 10:11 AM, Praneesha Chandrasiri <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Miyuru/Iranga,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Noted. Thanks for the feedback.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let's work on improving the doc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Miyuru Dayarathna <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Srinath,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Last Friday (16th April) I was able to run the sample 2001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the local Storm cluster setup on my laptop. I completed 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementing a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sample Java application which implements the "Email Processing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benchmark"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario described in [1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>].
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At the moment I am porting that application to WSO2 CEP on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apache Storm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementation. I have several suggestions for improving the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documentation [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on setting up and running the sample 2001, which I will send 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> later via this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> email thread.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -content/uploads/sites/15/2014/04/Streams-and-Storm-April-2014-Final.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Miyuru Dayarathna <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @ Iranga
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for sharing the information. They are useful.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @ Srinath
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will talk to Praneesha if I find anything that needs to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updated on the CEP documentation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Iranga Muthuthanthri <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Srinath Perera <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can Miyuru update the Doc? Miyuru can u update doc while
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you are at it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Documented some steps on the setup[1] hope it helps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Srinath
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Miyuru Dayarathna <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tishan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for providing me the information. I will work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on setting up the environment based on these guidelines and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will get in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> touch with you/Lasantha if I face any problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 10:31 AM, Tishan Dahanayakage <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Miyuru,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For starters try out this[1] sample. But please note
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that storm-deployment-config.xml is now part of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> event-processing.xml which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is at <CARBON_HOME>/repository/conf. So steps may vary 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slightly. AFAIK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> separate effort is there to enrich storm documentation. You 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can contribute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to that as well with your experience on setting this as a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fresh user. :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also when setting the local storm cluster  follow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installing storm release locally section on [2]. You need 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to have Apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zookeeper running also to run Apache Storm.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After you have a working sample you can use the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setup to deploy different query plans into storm and test.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Feel free to reach out to myself or Lasantha if there is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ​
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tishan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:35 PM, Miyuru Dayarathna <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there any setup instructions document for setting up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the software environment for carbon-event-processing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project (In particular
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to get the following code running?).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:05 AM, Miyuru Dayarathna <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Srinath,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok,I will work on finding a good benchmark for these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> performance tests. Also I will talk with Suho and some 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other team member
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from CEP team as you mentioned.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Srinath Perera <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru, can you try this out and run a bench mark.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please find a good benchmark and respond to this thread 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so we can discuss.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Suho, can someone from CEP point him to details and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Srinath
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ============================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  twitter:@srinath_perera
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Site:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Photos:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phone: 0772360902
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tishan Dahanayakage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile:+94 716481328
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ============================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  twitter:@srinath_perera
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Architecture mailing list
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Iranga Muthuthanthri
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (M) -0777-255773
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Team Product Management
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Praneesha Chandrasiri*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Technical Writer*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *WSO2 Inc. *
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Mobile: +(94) 718156888 <%2B%2894%29%20718156888>*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *E-mail: <>*
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> *Praneesha Chandrasiri*
>>>>>>>>>>> *Technical Writer*
>>>>>>>>>>> *WSO2 Inc. *
>>>>>>>>>>> *Mobile: +(94) 718156888 <%2B%2894%29%20718156888>*
>>>>>>>>>>> *E-mail: <>*
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>>>>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *Lasantha Fernando*
>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer - Data Technologies Team
>>>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>>>> email:
>>>>>>>>> mobile: (+94) 71 5247551
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Lasantha Fernando*
>>>>>>> Software Engineer - Data Technologies Team
>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>> email:
>>>>>>> mobile: (+94) 71 5247551
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Architecture mailing list
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>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
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>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>> Mobile: +94713527783
>>>> Blog:
>>> --
>>> ============================
>>> Blog: twitter:@srinath_perera
>>> Site:
>>> Photos:
>>> Phone: 0772360902
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Miyuru Dayarathna
>> Senior Technical Lead
>> Mobile: +94713527783
>> Blog:
> --
> Thanks,
> Miyuru Dayarathna
> Senior Technical Lead
> Mobile: +94713527783
> Blog:
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