The process model you have drawn enables multiple receiving message events
in parallel. According to the BPMN 2.0 spec this is not allowed for
key-based correlation (i.e. the correlation mechanism similar to BPEL
correlation sets); but it is allowed for predicate based correlation (often
used in collaborations).  I assume that we are not dealing with
collaborations here. Thus, only one of the events/tasks will receive the
message - you see mainly two ways in which this is handled by an engine,
(i) the engine randomly assigns the message, or (ii) a runtime error
occurs. Not sure what our implementation does.  But many people (including
me) consider a process model that specifies concurrent consumption of the
same message a severe modeling error...

Why are the correlation-keys not sufficient?  When a process is
instantiated it gets tightly coupled with a process model, i.e. a version
of a certain process model; and all correlation-keys associated with that
instance are coupled with that version. Correlation-keys don't come out of
the blue: the firsts correlation keys used to instantiate the process
instance are "arbitrary" but after that correlation keys "must fit" -
admittedly, the BPMN spec is not precise on it, but BPEL (that is the
template for that) is more precise.

Maybe I am missing the point what we want to achieve, i.e. that we need all
the information Firzhan sketches...

Best regards,

2015-12-16 5:40 GMT+01:00 Chathura Ekanayake <>:

>> We need to have the process definition id, in case there are multiple
>> versions of the same process definition exists with in the engine. Because
>> of this we are having it as an optional parameter.
> I agree with that. But can we make message name optional? We use process
> definition id, activiti id, correlation variables, etc to locate the
> execution. Once an execution is located, I think we need to provide the
> message name when triggering the message event.
>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Chathura Ekanayake <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Firzhan,
>>> *processDefinitionKey/processDefinitionId/messageName* (compulsory)
>>>> Either one relevant property out of three should be specified in the
>>>> request.
>>> Shouldn't we provide messageName or signalName irrespective of the
>>> availability of process definition key or id. Once we queried an execution,
>>> I think we need either a message name or a signal name to trigger the
>>> receive event. Please check with API.
>>>> *activityId *(optional)
>>>> This property is required when there are more than one receivers
>>>> waiting for the same message/signal in different execution flows.
>>>> ​​
>>>> In the above process flow,  all three or two of the execution flows
>>>> might be waiting for the same message.
>>>> *action *(compulsory)
>>>> actions can be either messageEventRecieved/signalEventRecieved/signal.
>>>> *signalName* (optional)
>>>> If we have any signal related actions, then *signalName* has to be
>>>> specified.
>>>> *variables* (optional)
>>>> This holds the task specific local variables that can be used to query
>>>> and filter the relevant process instances.
>>>> *processInstanceVariables* (optional)
>>>> All the instance variables except correlation variables can be
>>>> mentioned here.
>>>> *correlationVariables* (compulsory)
>>>> All the correlation variables should be mentioned here. By default it
>>>> performs the equal operation of that variables.
>>>> *variables* and *processInstanceVariables *can be used to speed up the
>>>> querying process and the correlation variables should be unique across the
>>>> process instances.
>>> Correlation variables are the ones used to query the relevant execution.
>>> Process instance variables are used to pass in new data values with the
>>> message. What is the purpose of the first "variables" parameter?
>>> Regards,
>>> Chathura
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