Hi all,

We are currently working on implementing multitenancy for Carbon-5 based
products. In order to implement this we are creating Kubenetes namespaces
for each tenant (namespaces provides isolation between tenants and the same
approach has been used by WSO2 cloud as well).

In most of the customer use cases, the tenants can be defined at the
deployment time, but in order to cater SaaS requirements the tenants has to
be created dynamically. To achieve this we have built a REST API using
Microservices[1] (please find the attached Swaggger definition of the API).
This API provides a endpoints for basic CRUD operations on tenants on
Kubenetes cluster.

So in order to proceed with this what are the options to integrate this
with the platform? Do we need to implement a UUF component and/or a CLI as

[1] https://github.com/lasanthaS/wso2-carbon5-multitenancy-api


*Lasantha Samarakoon* | Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.
#20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
Mobile: +94 (71) 214 1576
Email:  lasant...@wso2.com
Web:    www.wso2.com

lean . enterprise . middleware

Attachment: swagger-tenants.json
Description: application/json

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