On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 5:00 PM, Lasantha Samarakoon <lasant...@wso2.com>

> Hi all,
> We are currently working on implementing multitenancy for Carbon-5 based
> products. In order to implement this we are creating Kubenetes namespaces
> for each tenant (namespaces provides isolation between tenants and the same
> approach has been used by WSO2 cloud as well).
> In most of the customer use cases, the tenants can be defined at the
> deployment time, but in order to cater SaaS requirements the tenants has to
> be created dynamically. To achieve this we have built a REST API using
> Microservices[1] (please find the attached Swaggger definition of the API).
> This API provides a endpoints for basic CRUD operations on tenants on
> Kubenetes cluster.

​Great work Lasantha! Can you please share the API resource/method list in


> So in order to proceed with this what are the options to integrate this
> with the platform? Do we need to implement a UUF component and/or a CLI as
> well?

​May be we can write a bash script first and later move to a CLI/UI.

​I think we would also need to expose methods for automating the deployment
process once tenants/namespaces are created. Each WSO2 product would
release required K8S defnitions together with the product releases.


> [1] https://github.com/lasanthaS/wso2-carbon5-multitenancy-api
> Regards,
> *Lasantha Samarakoon* | Software Engineer
> WSO2, Inc.
> #20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
> Mobile: +94 (71) 214 1576
> Email:  lasant...@wso2.com
> Web:    www.wso2.com
> lean . enterprise . middleware

*Imesh Gunaratne*
Software Architect
WSO2 Inc: http://wso2.com
T: +94 11 214 5345 M: +94 77 374 2057
W: https://medium.com/@imesh TW: @imesh
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