I understand the reasons for moving away from registry and it makes sense.
No question about that. And I'm +1 for doing it.

My concern was that architecturally terming it as an anti-pattern. In ESB
there are many production instances running with artifacts like endpoints,
schema, XSLT etc stored and fetched from registry; all at runtime, with no
much issue. And registry had a caching layer too. I see this as an
abstraction, just like data is exposed as a web service API in data
services server.

In this case, I agree on all the good reasons for doing it.

On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 9:59 PM, Sagara Gunathunga <sag...@wso2.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 1:05 PM, Shazni Nazeer <sha...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Currently we persist oidc related scopes and claims in the registry. With
>>> this approach we need to access the registry in run time, which is an
>>> anti-pattern. So going forward we have decided to persist oidc scopes and
>>> claims in the db and remove from the registry.
>> I'm sure there are good reasons to move the claim mappings from the
>> registry to plain DB. But isn't this essentially the same as ultimately
>> registry stores values in the underlying DB. I'm sure the change may make
>> the implementation straightforward to use the DB query instead of the
>> registry API and also makes way to move away from registry. But why using
>> registry is an anti-pattern?
> 1. Registry is not designed to cater runtime traffic, it was originally
> designed to cater non-runtime (design time) traffic, so by design there is
> a scalability issue when we use registry in run-time use cases. Few years
> back we have experienced this when trying to persist AS and ESB runtime
> metafiles in the registry.
> 2. We are in a process  of moving out registry dependencies from all
> products except G-Reg because most of the cases it's unnecessary , API-M 3
> did this up to some extend. In this case we have noticed a scalability
> issue in userinfo calls and as a part of the fix we are trying to remove
> one registry dependency from IS.
> Thanks !
>> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 11:48 AM, Hasanthi Purnima Dissanayake <
>> hasan...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Currently we persist oidc related scopes and claims in the registry.
>>> With this approach we need to access the registry in run time, which is an
>>> anti-pattern. So going forward we have decided to persist oidc scopes and
>>> claims in the db and remove from the registry.
>>> *With the new implementation:*
>>> 1.  In the management console 'Resident Identity Provider > Inbound
>>> Authentication Configuration > OAuth2/OpenidConnect configuration'  will be
>>> divided in to two sections.
>>>    a. First section will include the existing EP URLs
>>>    b. Second section will include scope claim table which have the
>>> ability to add and delete scope claim mapping.
>>> 2. In the first server start up the scopes and claims defined
>>> in oidc-scope-config.xml will be stored in the db and a caching layer.
>>> 3. So when the UI is loading the scopes and claims that are stored in
>>> the table will be populated to the UI as well.
>>> I will update the thread with the screen shots of the new UI and the
>>> design of the new table soon. Highly appreciate any suggestions or
>>> feedbacks on this.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Hasanthi Dissanayake
>>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2
>>> E: hasan...@wso2.com
>>> M :0718407133| http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>
>> --
>> Shazni Nazeer
>> Mob : +94 777737331
>> LinkedIn : http://lk.linkedin.com/in/shazninazeer
>> Blogs :
>> https://medium.com/@mshazninazeer
>> http://shazninazeer.blogspot.com
>> <http://wso2.com/signature>
> --
> Sagara Gunathunga
> Director; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com
> Linkedin; http://www.linkedin.com/in/ssagara
> Blog ;  http://ssagara.blogspot.com
> Mobile : +9471 <+94%2071%20565%209887>2149951

Shazni Nazeer

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LinkedIn : http://lk.linkedin.com/in/shazninazeer

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