Project: Distributed cache through Redis for the API Gateway

Currently the APIM uses a cache to store the Oauth token, however the token
isn’t cached across multiple instances of the gateway which makes it so
that the authentication has to be done multiple times. Therefore using a
distributed cache via Redis allows the Oauth token to be cached once and
can be shared among the rest of the server instances.

The APIM runs in the form of clusters therefore they require a shared

cache to store things like response caches from the API back-ends,

Back-end tokens, arbitrary objects created through business logic and

so on. This project is to enable the use of Redis as the distributed,

shared cache layer of the API Gateway

Using a redis mode for the cache mediator as a mediator allows developers
to add logic to either read or write from the Redis server using Synapse

Eg-: <cache mode=”redis”>
[image: Project_ Distributed cache through Redis for the API Gateway.png]
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