On 10/12/07, Joakim Erdfelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can only think of 1 place for this.
> When DefaultArchivaConfiguration loads the default-archiva.xml from its
> resources location and puts it into place.

That makes sense on a high level, but there's rarely only one way to
do something.  Before we go further with this I'd like to see more
discussion around the 'pre-configure guest access' feature.

For now, do we all agree that this commit wasn't what was intended by
MRM-398 and should be reverted?

> That should be a 4 part commit (once split by apache's commit message
> email split routines)
> And that's the bare minimum work.
> It's likely that archiva-security goes away, and archiva-configuration
> gains a bunch of security.
> Ready for it?

Once again, it's not necessarily length, it's complexity (unrelated
changes) and the amount of communication around the change.

For example, I raised a concern about this commit, which fit nicely
into one message, because I don't think it's what we 'agreed on' by
opening and scheduling the issue.


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