On 17/03/2008, at 2:05 PM, Wendy Smoak wrote:

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 7:13 PM, Maria Odea Ching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hmm, the jetty bundle should be working.. it already worked for me before. I tried it again today and was able to start it. I'm running on Linux btw.

Wendy, did you get the 'Starting Archiva Web :: Jetty...' message when you
did './archiva start'?

Yes, but that's the only thing that happened  (it printed the message,
but didn't actually start.)  I've been having other problems though,
it's probably related to that.  At least jetty:run is now working in
Continuum.  I'll come back around to Archiva at some point and

For me, the plexus runtime works. There seems to be a bug triggered in the Jetty runtime which is two-fold. plexus-webdav is still dragged in (my fault, I'll look it up).

But I also noticed a bug in the assembly descriptor too - did anyone noticed archiva jetty bakes a 53Mb ZIP file? :) It seems everything is included in repo/*, when really we just want the Jetty JARs.

- Brett

Brett Porter

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