Hello all,
We have had a few cases where users hit the 'Publish All' button for 
collections containing 'internal' archival_objects or notes (i.e. where the EAD 
@audience is "internal").

I wonder how other institutions handle collections with 'internal' content?  
What workflows or fail-safes do you use?  Given that publish all can result in 
thousands of internal ao or notes flipping to public, without an easy undo, I 
wonder what kinds of plugins or workflow steps we can take to prevent this 
happening again.

In our situation, an ideal solution would be to separate 'publish' into 2 
distinct checkboxes : one for status (publish true/false) and one for audience 
(internal / external).  Which would of course be quite involved.  It does 
however seem like it would be helpful all around if 'Publish?' vs 'Audience?' 
could be separate elements, so that I can protect internal audience material 
from publishing.

What do you all think?


Nancy Kennedy
Smithsonian Institution

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