Dear Freya,

Unfortunately that's right.  The rights statement records (as well as some 
other record types, like event records) do not appear in the public interface 
as far as I'm aware.  They also do not get added to EAD exports (although they 
could, if there were a mapping for that data).

That said, the rights metadata is still available in the public interface for 
display, so that data could be surfaced with a plugin with any version of 
ArchivesSpace.  I don't know of any plugins offhand that do that (maybe others 
on the list do?), but I could come up with a pretty basic one if that's of 

There is lots of data that can be stored in an ArchivesSpace rights statements, 
though (such as linked agents, acts, external documents, and notes), which 
makes adding them to the PUI a bit of a design challenge. I'll also admit that 
I'm not very familiar with those records in ArchivesSpace. Right now, we only 
use  notes to capture that type of information.

Which fields are you using with your rights statements?

All my best,


<> on behalf of 
Anderson, Freya N (EED) <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2019 8:17 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Rights Statement on public user interface

Hello all,

It was recently pointed out to me by one of our team, as we rush to get content 
into ArchivesSpace, that the Rights Statement doesn’t show up on the public 
user interface.  We enter it in the Resource, mark every Publish box, and click 
Publish All at the end.  Everything looks fine at the staff end, but no rights 
statement appears for the public.  Is this the way it’s supposed to work?  Is 
there anything we can do so the right statement shows up, other than adding it 
in the Notes?

We’re using LibraryHost to host our instance.




Freya Anderson

Head, Information Services

Acting Head, Historical Collections

phone: 907.465.1315

Andrew P. Kashevaroff Building

Mail: PO Box 110571, Juneau, AK 99811

Visit: 395 Whittier St., Juneau, AK 99801

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