
I wanted to pass on to the community some critical security vulnerabilities 
that we recently found when scanning our ArchivesSpace instance.  These 
vulnerabilities allows authorization to be bypassed, due to the out of date 
version of Jetty delivered with the system.  I've written up these issues as a 
JIRA ticket at: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1437, but also 
wanted to post about the issue here to allow for discussion.

We are hoping to soon open our ArchivesSpace instance to the general public.  
Our security team will not allow ArchivesSpace to be opened to the public while 
it has a critical security vulnerability.

We are running ArchivesSpace 2.8.1, which uses Jetty 8.1.5.  However, since all 
recent versions of ArchivesSpace use the same version of Jetty, I assume that 
all recent versions of ArchivesSpace are affected as well, including recent 
version 3.1.  Version 8 of Jetty is considered "venerable" (older even than 
deprecated), as noted at https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/download.php .  With 
this version of Jetty, NetSparker noted 2 critical issues, 3 high issues, 1 
medium issue, and 1 low issue.

These issues were found by NetSparker, which is one of the security tools we 
use for scanning.  Interestingly, this issue was found by NetSparker only a few 
weeks ago, and not in our previous NetSparker scans, even though our 
ArchivesSpace instance has not changed.  This implies that the issue was just 
recently added to NetSparker's vulnerability database, may become more 
well-known, and could present an issue to other organizations using 
ArchivesSpace as well.

I understand that ArchivesSpace does not heavily use Jetty, and does not serve 
any static content using Jetty.  However, Jetty can still be exploited even if 
it is behind an intermediary, such as Apache, as described in the links in the 
ticket.  We have spent a little bit of time attempting to upgrade Jetty on our 
own.  We were able to upgrade to Jetty 9.4, but this version is still 
vulnerable to the issues noted above.  We weren't able to upgrade to Jetty 10 
or 11, both of which require Java 11 - it looks like this may take some work.

Has anyone else observed these issue?  Would anyone have suggestions for 

I think that the best approach would be to upgrade Jetty to version 10 or 11, 
in line with a move to Java 11.

Thanks for your thoughts and consideration!

Doron Shalvi
System Engineer
National Library of Medicine

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