2011 ILL Conference April 28-29, 2011 CSU-Lory Student Center

Hello Library Colleagues,


There is still time to register for the upcoming ILL conference on April
28-29th at the Lory student center on the Colorado State University-Fort
Collins campus.  We will begin the conference with a keynote from
Stephen Abram, a renowned  speaker on library innovation, who will talk
about the explosion of e-books in libraries and how this plays a large

role in the services we offer to our patrons.   We are offering a

potpourri of other programs from  union catalogs and resource sharing to
better ways of managing ILL during major chaos such as building
construction.  Of course, we will sprinkle in some comedic relief from
Chicken Lips, an improv comedy group in Denver, that is sure to  make
for a fun and informative conference. 



A  draft agenda has been posted on the committee website.  

The registration fee is $95 per person.


Conference website: 




Be sure to reserve your room at the Hilton hotel now so you can take
advantage of the conference rate.  





If the link above doesn't work, go to the conference page and refer to
Travel/Lodging section in the right hand bottom corner of the page. 


We hope to see you in April !  




CO ILL committee

Conference chair


Rose Nelson

Systems Librarian

Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries


303-759-3399 X103 fax 303-759-3363



Rose Nelson

Systems Librarian

Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries


303-759-3399 X103 fax 303-759-3363


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