We seem to be alright- -just received a file!


Thanks ~Jody/UHC


From: Mantell, Jody 
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 4:25 PM
To: Discussion of the Ariel Document Transmission System
Subject: UHC needs Ariel Test


Please send an Ariel test to:        arielrecv.uhcl.edu 


We're having communication problems.  Thanks very much!~Jody



Jody Mantell 

ILL Supervisor

Interlibrary Loan~Document Delivery Team

Neumann Library

University of Houston~Clear Lake

mantellj...@uhcl.edu <mailto:mantellj...@uhcl.edu>       

PH: 281.283.3906

FX: 281.283.3907

Ariel: arielrecv.uhcl.edu




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