You are invited to participate in a survey on electronic document delivery 
systems and procedures.  This survey supports research being conducted at 
Simmons College in Boston to better understand what systems other libraries are 
using for electronic document delivery and the workflows associated with those 
systems.   We are contacting you directly because we have an active 
interlibrary loan relationship with your institution and highly value your 

The information collected from the survey will be used at Simmons Library to 
help improve our processes and will be shared with the community of electronic 
lenders via the appropriate listservs and Webjunction groups.  We are hoping to 
hear from all different types of libraries who participate in electronic 
document delivery.

This survey will be confidential and anonymous.  It will take approximately 
15-20 minutes to complete. If necessary, please take the time to work with 
other staff members at your Library to ensure the most accurate answers to 
questions regarding the workflow and systems used in your document delivery 

Thank you for your participation.  We look forward to sharing the survey 
results with you in the future.
Link to Survey:

Amy Deschenes
Library Technology Specialist
Simmons College Library
Boston, MA 02115

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