On Mar 20, 2014, at 23:04 , Matthew Kaufman <matt...@matthew.at> wrote:

> On 3/20/2014 3:11 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>> I think fear mongering about the “usefulness of the registry” by those that 
>> seek to eliminate all policy enforcement in the registry should be seen for 
>> what it is and that we as a community must make a decision whether we want 
>> to have reasonable policies and a culture of cooperation, or, abandon that 
>> culture which has worked thus far and allow the regulatory chips to fall 
>> where they may when it becomes obvious that we are unwilling to attempt to 
>> regulate ourselves.
> I don't see a *documented* 40% abandon rate on 8.2 transfer requests as "fear 
> mongering". I strongly suspect that every single one of those abandoned 
> requests is a case where a M&A *actually happened* and yet, because it was 
> abandoned, the registry no longer accurately reflects that M&A activity. (I 
> really can't imagine anyone who would simply, for entertainment value, file 
> 8.2 M&A transfer requests when no M&A has occurred.)

No, but I can imagine lots of people trying to structure an 8.3 transfer to 
look like an M&A and abandoning the 8.2 request when that fails.

> The longer this abandon rate stays high, the more incorrect entries in the 
> registry will accumulate. Not "fear mongering", just fact.

Nothing has been presented as yet to indicate that taking this provision out of 
8.2 would actually reduce the abandon rate of 8.2 transfers.

> The original author of the draft policy claims to have personal experience 
> that suggests that one of the reasons these are getting abandoned is the 
> language he seeks to remove. I guess I'd like to hear evidence that shows 
> that the abandoned requests are getting abandoned entirely for some other 
> reason before opposing this proposal. Until then, I support it.

Unfortunately, the author had access to information not available to the 
community at large as a result of his former position at ARIN and we have no 
way to independently verify or validate his claims, nor do we have any way to 
gain access to any contradictory information that may or may not exist in the 
same realm.

I'm not accusing the author of anything and I have always had tremendous 
respect for Mr. Huberman. As he mentioned in an earlier post, we consider each 
other friends. However, what you are asking for here is nearly impossible to 
deliver and I will say that Mr. Huberman's perspective, while informed by his 
experience, may not be entirely objective.


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