Gary Buhrmaster wrote:
> <soapbox>
> Any M&A, or organization changes, have a cost
> regarding business records, and it is incumbent
> on the organization to be prepared to pay that cost
> for changes.  Updating ARIN records (and the cost
> of doing so) is no different, and should not have a
> special "out" just because it can be take time or
> the people involved did/do not want to invest that
> effort.  The days of informal handshake number
> deals are (or should be) long over.  Get over it, and
> do the (boring, painful, but necessary) work.
> </soapbox>

Thanks for that Gary. It clarified for me one of the things that's been bugging 
me in this discussion. I'm pretty much a pure IT guy and hate the process and 
paperwork BS. I tend to avoid it or let others do that aspect as much as 
possible without also allowing my projects to suffer. But as you say, some of 
that boring, painful work is simply necessary. Frankly, quite often making the 
effort to read and keep up with this list fits in that category.

Perhaps I've also absorbed some of the culture of the organization that's 
employed me for the last several decades. ;-)

I also had to get our registry records up to date once I discovered they 
weren't. Fortunately, we're still the same organization. And one of the POCs 
from the 90s was still working for us so we were able to update them ourselves. 
And when I saw and read the LRSA, I walked through the lengthy process of 
getting it approved and signed by our organization. It was mostly a no-brainer 
since it established formal and explicit rights and defined our relationship 
with the registry where previously that had been one-sided, implicit, and 

I also sense something of a logical inconsistency. On the one hand, the 
registry is so valuable that the sky is falling because some are choosing not 
to keep their records up to date. On the other hand, the registry has so little 
value that resource holders won't expend the effort necessary to maintain their 
records if they have to suffer any inconvenience to do so. If the registry has 
value, then those who choose not to maintain their registration have diminished 
the value of the resources they hold. So the truth is probably somewhere in the 
middle, but I can't say I find the argument compelling. Given that ARIN will 
always have to perform due diligence to keep someone from hijacking a 
registration, there's a limit to how convenient they can make the process. As a 
result, there will always be those who choose to walk away, for whatever 
reason, instead.

It seems to me that the real benefit for removing needs-based allocations for 
8.2 and legacy transfers (ARIN 2014-11) is more the ability to acquire IPv4 
resources without demonstrating a needs basis in a post-IPv4 exhaustion world. 
It's not at all clear to me that either proposal will have significant impact 
on registry accuracy, but 2014-11, at least, would certainly free affected 
transfers from any needs basis requirements.

I don't really have a dog in that fight. My organization has the IPv4 resources 
it needs for the transition and it's not like our size dramatically changes 
over time. We're  a pretty stable enterprise organization. However, if we're 
going to do that, I do think we should simply drop the needs basis policy 
requirements altogether.

I would support a proposal to remove the words aggregate and reclaim from 8.2 
since they may  both be out dated at this point. But I definitely don't support 
this proposal or 2014-11.


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