On Apr 2, 2014, at 4:27 PM, xiaofan yang <nikiyan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi John, 
> I have further enquiry about ARIN 8.2 process. 
> Number one:I am also worried about the costs of doing a 8.2 transfer followed 
> by a 8.3 transfer.  I wonder if I will have to involve the legal help to deal 
> with ARIN legal.  In my case I bought a company that now is out of business. 
> How complicated does ARIN make this process?  I want some assurance that I 
> will be treated equally to any other companies whether it is  a big company 
> or a small company like us.

Niki -

You will be treated equally, but in truth I'm not certain that is actually what 
you want...
(for example, a process which seems routine for a large organization could 
still pose 
a disproportionate burden to a smaller organization since organization size is 
not a
factor in the verification process.)

The first and foremost activity is to make sure that we have your organization 
as the rightful address holder, and that will require an NRPM 8.2 transfer.  It 
can actually
be relatively straightforward process, as long as you have clear documentation 
of the 
purchase of the company.  Review the instructions here for additional 
information about
what is accepted - <https://www.arin.net/resources/request/transfers_8_2.html>

> Number two:  If we do a 8.2 transfer followed by a 8.3 transfer, will the 
> stated purpose for our number resources remains the same?? I am afraid of 
> that ARIN will not approve our transfer. 

If you are the clear party with the rights after your purchase, ARIN will 
approve your
transfer.  We may note that you have more addresses than you now need, and thus
we expect you to return or transfer the remainder (but that would seem to line 
up with
your intentions in any case.)

If you have purchased a company without adequate documentation, or if multiple
parties purchased multiple pieces of the company, or if there some question 
what was purchased based on the documentation, then it can be more challenging 
to get the resources appropriately listed with you as the rightful holder.  You 
will need
to apply for the transfer and work with the ARIN Hostmaster to determine if 
there is
any issue in your particular case.

> Number three:  As we have bought the company,  do we have the property right 
> on those IPs?  in our past agreement and future agreement arranged for 8.3,  
> we would like to have some kinds of property right on those IPs,  will that 
> conflict with ARIN policy?

Wonderful question - it is ARIN's position that you have a specific set of 
rights to the 
address blocks in the registry (as defined by the registration services 
agreement that
you enter with ARIN), and these rights include:

    (1) The exclusive right to be the registrant of the Included Number 
Resources within the ARIN database; 
    (2) The right to use the Included Number Resources within the ARIN 
database; and
    (3) The right to transfer the registration of the Included Number Resources 
pursuant to the Policies.

ARIN registration services agreement includes a specific disclaimer of property 
in the address blocks, as it is inconsistent with the ability to manage the 
address blocks
in accordance with community-developed policy in the region.  If you have other 
with respect to your rights, that would probably be an area for you to seek 
legal advice.

I hope this helps; please do not hesitate to ask if you have any additional 


John Curran
President and CEO

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