
ARIN has had 8.3 transfers since 2009.  We long ago accepted that there
would be a market for IP addresses.  I believe ARIN was the first RIR to
have such a policy.  The link to the archive is here

Soon after we worked on the listing service as well.   This policy has been
used and I am sure the ARIN staff has numbers of how many such transfers
have taken place.

Just because this region has historically been in favor of justified need
doesn't mean that folks haven't accepted that there would be a market.


On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Elvis Velea <el...@velea.eu> wrote:

> On 10/06/14 22:15, l...@mwtcorp.net wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:11:15 +0000
>>  Steven Ryerse <srye...@eclipse-networks.com> wrote:
>>> Get used to it because even if this Community doesn’t relent and ease up
>>> on needs requirements, the marketplace will take up the slack outside of
>>> ARIN - and a 2nd (or more) defacto marketplace will be created.  It is
>>> inevitable and short of a law being past you and I can’t stop it.  As you
>>> probably know this is already happening with the IP brokers out there and I
>>> could easily see another RIR who is out of resources joining up with
>>> significant 3rd party brokers to fill IPv4 needs at market prices
>>> worldwide. There is another supply of IPv4 resources out there in the form
>>> of all those Legacy /8’s that were given out many years ago, and I suspect
>>> that demand will bring some of those resources to market.  That supply
>>> could defer switching to IPv6 for years and not everyone likes IPv6.
>> Then maybe the discussion we should be having is how to reclaim un-needed
>> IPV4 space.
> this discussion should have happened 10 years ago. Now, it's too late.
> Everyone knows that IP addresses are worth a buck or two.. The marketplace
> exists and at least 3 RIRs acknowledge it and their communities have built
> policies for it. Would you give them up if you would be having a (large)
> number of unused IPs; IPs that may bring your organization the money needed
> to invest in new equipment and skills and migrate to IPv6 :)
> cheers,
> elvis
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