On 9/30/14, 18:12 , Bill Woodcock wrote:
- increase the reserve pool to a /15
- increase the minimum allocation for an IXP to a /22

Quadrupling the allocation while doubling the pool halves the number of IXPs 
served, and I think it would be unfortunate and short-sighted to let that 
Today, three years later, there are six IXPs with more than 255 participants. 
So the portion of IXPs with more than 255 participants is holding steady at 
1.5%.  In 2011, there were no IXPs with more than 512 participants, and today, 
there’s one such, but it took sixteen years to get to that point.

There’s a case to be made that a /24 will serve 98.5% of the IXP population, 
and that we shouldn’t be making policy tailored for the one quarter of one 
percent of the IXP population that needs a /22.  On the other hand, IXPs will 
grow.  I think caution dictates reserving a larger pool, but I don’t know that 
it makes sense to give _everyone_ allocations that meet their best-case 
sixteen-year growth projections.

I support doubling the size of the reserved pool to a /15, but I don’t think 
increasing the initial allocation size beyond a /24 is warranted yet.  I think 
sparse allocation is a sensible policy.  We can be reasonably certain that 
there will be at least 512 more IXPs before people stop caring about IPv4, but 
it’s far from a sure bet that _any_ of those would grow beyond a /23 in that 


Earlier this year we had a bit of a debate that boiled down to 2 or 3 participants to to qualify for an IX /24.

I'd be willing to consider relaxed allocation guidelines for IXes, making it easier for larger and growing IXes to get larger than a /24 IX allocation for IPv4. But, the idea of 3 participants qualifying you for /22 wouldn't fly in my book. For IXes we can probably be more generous and not require an 80% or even a 50% guideline, but anything less then a 25% guideline seems irrationally optimistic for IX growth and difficult to justify given IPv4 run-out.

So with a 25% guideline that would be 64 participants to qualify for a IX /23 and 128 participants for a IX /22, that would seem very generous and not burdensome for IXes.

David Farmer               Email: far...@umn.edu
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota
2218 University Ave SE     Phone: 1-612-626-0815
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029  Cell: 1-612-812-9952
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