On Jun 4, 2015, at 6:45 PM, Matthew Kaufman 
<matt...@matthew.at<mailto:matt...@matthew.at>> wrote:

You can also note that while RFC2050 mentions "transfer" exactly once, without 
definition, it is now obsolted by RFC7020 which doesn't mention "transfer" even 

RFC 2050 was recognized as quite dated, and a number of folks went about an 
to update it.  Efforts were made to keep the language in RFC 7020 describing the
Internet Number Registry system as objective as possible, and you can look in 
acknowledgements section if you’re curious about the many participants involved.
(I would be remiss if I did not specifically call out David Conrad for his 
but highly effective efforts to keep the document neutral in its descriptive 
text… :-)

One of the most significant reasons RFC 2050 was dated is due to the inclusion 
detailed registry policy in the document, whereas RFC 7020 specifically does not
include any statement of registry policy, focusing instead on the goals and 
of the overall system (i.e. a document which we’ve needed for some time and now
have available.)

Should we conclude that meddling in transfers is out of scope for the registry 

RFC 7020 notes that "The RIRs also conduct regional number policy development
used in the administration of the number resources for which they are 
i.e.  it all depends on what policy is developed in this regard.


John Curran
President and CEO

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