> On Jun 4, 2015, at 6:25 PM, David Conrad <d...@virtualized.org> wrote:
> John,
> On Jun 4, 2015, at 4:22 AM, John Curran <jcur...@arin.net 
> <mailto:jcur...@arin.net>> wrote:
>> 1) Should we update the entry for those cases where there is a party with 
>> effective
>>     ‘possession’ (i.e. use) of an address block but the original address 
>> holder cannot
>>     be contacted or  found?
> Yes, but I'd mark such records in the registration database as 'tentative' 
> (or some such).

Interesting - 1) After what period of time of missing the original holder?
                    2) Considering that this action would replace existing 
information, would it
                        be perhaps better to add additional fields for it?
                    3) We would need to be extremely certain about how we go 
about “releasing”
                         these rights based on registry policy (as there’s 
unlikely to be directly
                         applicable adverse possession precedent); this 
effectively would rationalize
                         hijacking against ‘defunct' organizations (might not 
be a bad thing, but
                         wanted to be very clear on this aspect)

>> 2) Similarly, should we update the entry when a party has been using an 
>> address block
>>      for some time, and is still actively using it, but there is a dispute 
>> about the meaning
>>      of paperwork between the party and present address holder in the 
>> registry?
> The approach Postel chose in such cases was to leave things as they were 
> until there was consensus among the contesting parties.  It has worked (more 
> or less) in the TLD space at IANA, I think it is a reasonable course of 
> action.

Our practices presently mirror this approach - we preserve the status quo and 
presume that
the parties will reach consensus amongst themselves (or seek redress via the 
legal system)

>> 3) We presently have some practices regarding what documentation we require 
>> when
>>      a party asserts to now have the rights to IP address block via 
>> merger/acquisition
>>      You can see specifics here 
>> -<https://www.arin.net/resources/transfers/index.html 
>> <https://www.arin.net/resources/transfers/index.html>>
>>      May we waive the documentation requirements if the party who asserts 
>> such can
>>      demonstrate that they have operational control of the IP address block?
> I'd probably use the 'tentative' (or some such) status in these case, but I 
> suspect it's context sensitive.
> The overarching point is that augmenting the database to provide additional 
> information related to policy conformance can be beneficial for the consumers 
> of the database.  Not updating records is the opposite.

Very interesting concepts.  There is a question of whether doing this is a 
investment - i.e. it’s unclear if such fields would ever be used w.r.t IPv6, 
and there may
be more efficient ways of resolving the current situation (although it hasn’t 
over the last decade…)

If there’s a number of folks who have interest in this approach, it could be 
worth considering
policy in this area.   I’ll eave it to you and the rest of the community on 
ppml to explore the


John Curran
President and CEO

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