Agreed. While there are a wide range of opinions on where this line belongs, 
The /47 line appears to have the most consensus, and has my support.


> On Aug 15, 2017, at 11:03 AM, David Huberman <> wrote:
> Very well done, everyone! Strongly support this draft.
> Kudos to Albert Erdmann and the AC shepherds for their leadership on this 
> proposal.
>> On Aug 15, 2017, at 1:06 PM, ARIN <> wrote:
>> The following has been revised:
>> * Draft Policy ARIN-2017-5: Equalization of Assignment Registration 
>> requirements between IPv4 and IPv6
>> Revised text is below and can be found at:
>> You are encouraged to discuss all Draft Policies on PPML. The AC will 
>> evaluate the discussion in order to assess the conformance of this draft 
>> policy with ARIN's Principles of Internet number resource policy as stated 
>> in the Policy Development Process (PDP). Specifically, these principles are:
>> * Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
>> * Technically Sound
>> * Supported by the Community
>> The PDP can be found at:
>> Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:
>> Regards,
>> Sean Hopkins
>> Policy Analyst
>> American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
>> Problem Statement:
>> Current ARIN policy has different WHOIS directory registration requirements 
>> for IPv4 vs IPv6 address assignments. IPv4 registration is triggered for an 
>> assignment of any address block equal to or greater than a /29 (i.e., eight 
>> IPv4 addresses). In the case of IPv6, registration occurs for an assignment 
>> of any block equal to or greater than a /64, which constitutes one entire 
>> IPv6 subnet and is the minimum block size for an allocation.  Accordingly, 
>> there is a significant disparity between IPv4 and IPv6 WHOIS registration 
>> thresholds in the case of assignments, resulting in more work in the case of 
>> IPv6 than is the case for IPv4. There is no technical or policy rationale 
>> for the disparity, which could serve as a deterrent to more rapid IPv6 
>> adoption. The purpose of this proposal is to eliminate the disparity and 
>> corresponding adverse consequences.
>> Policy statement:
>> 1) Alter section "Reassignment information" of the NRPM to strike 
>> "/64 or more addresses" and change to "/47 or more addresses, or 
>> subdelegation of any size that will be individually announced,"
>> and
>> 2) Alter section "Residential Customer Privacy" of the NRPM by 
>> deleting the phrase "holding /64 and larger blocks"
>> and
>> 3) Add new section "Downstream Registration Requests" to the NRPM 
>> that reads "If the downstream recipient of a netblock ( a /64 or more 
>> addresses) requests publishing in ARIN's registration database, the ISP must 
>> register the netblock, regardless of size."
>> Comments:
>> a.    Timetable for implementation: Policy should be adopted as soon as 
>> possible.
>> b.    Anything else:
>> Author Comments:
>> IPv6 should not be more burdensome than the equivalent IPv4 network size. 
>> Currently, assignments of /29 or more of IPv4 space (8 addresses) require 
>> registration. The greatest majority of ISP customers who have assignments of 
>> IPv4 space are of a single IPv4 address which do not trigger any ARIN 
>> registration requirement when using IPv4. This is NOT true when these same 
>> exact customers use IPv6, as assignments of /64 or more of IPv6 space 
>> require registration. Beginning with RFC 3177, it has been standard practice 
>> to assign a minimum assignment of /64 to every customer end user site, and 
>> less is never used.  This means that ALL IPv6 assignments, including those 
>> customers that only use a single IPv4 address must be registered with ARIN 
>> if they are given the minimum assignment of /64 of IPv6 space. This 
>> additional effort may prevent ISP's from giving IPv6 addresses because of 
>> the additional expense of registering those addresses with ARIN, which is 
>> not required for IPv4. The ad
> inistrative burden of 100% customer registration of IPv6 customers is 
> unreasonable, when such is not required for those customers receiving only 
> IPv4 connections.
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