I note that any ISP size reassignment, with the recommended /48 for each end user site, will be /47 or larger, which must always be registered.

Thus, I think language is unneeded, since any LIR/ISP reassignment will be large enough to already trigger registration.

Under the current policy, LIR's and ISP's are equal, so usually both terms are stated in any policy that mentions them.

May I also suggest that if we are going to require registration upon downstream request for IPv6, that we consider placing the same language and requirements for IPv4 customers as well? And if we do, where do we draw the minimum line? Maybe a /32....

Also, good catch on the cut and paste error.....

Albert Erdmann
Network Administrator
Paradise On Line Inc.

On Thu, 17 Aug 2017, Leif Sawyer wrote:

Thanks for the feedback, David.

I've added the fix for, since we're already in the section.

I've also modified the text for as well, because I think your 
suggesting is a little cleaner.

I'm not sure what the point of is -  you're just reiterating
That said, we could potentially clean up by extending "static IPv6 
to  "static IPv6 assignment, or allocation," - or something similar.

Which also brings to mind the question:  LIR or ISP?   Both are in use in 

From: ARIN-PPML [arin-ppml-boun...@arin.net] on behalf of David Farmer 
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 8:53 AM
To: hostmas...@uneedus.com
Cc: arin-ppml@arin.net
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] Revised: Draft Policy ARIN-2017-5: Equalization of 
Assignment Registration requirements between IPv4 and IPv6

[External Email]

Here is a slightly different formulation to consider. I refactored the title a 
little, and based the phrasing on other parts of section 6.5.5 Registration Requested by Recipient

If requested by the downstream recipient of a block, each static IPv6 
assignment containing a /64 or more addresses, shall be registered, as 
described in section

I'd like us to think about adding an additional section, based on previous 
discussions. Re-allocation to ISPs

Each IPv6 re-allocation to a downstream ISP, regardless of size, intended for 
further assignment by the downstream ISP's to it's customers, shall be 
registered, as described in section

Also, in Section there is a reference to section I think 
this is a cut and past error, I think the reference should be to 
Please, compare sections and with sections and and I think it is obvious what happened.


On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 6:10 AM, 
<hostmas...@uneedus.com<mailto:hostmas...@uneedus.com>> wrote:
I am in favor of the draft, with or without the changes to make it clearer.

I suggest the following language for clarity:

3) Add new section "Downstream Registration Requests" to the NRPM that reads 
"If the downstream recipient of a static assignment of /64 or more addresses requests 
publishing of that static assignment in ARIN's registration database, the ISP must register that 
static assignment."

Since "static assignment" is the term in this section, not netblock, I suggest using this term 
instead of "netblock".  "Of any size" is not needed, as the language would require the 
ISP to register in total whatever size the ISP has assigned to the downstream in the ARIN database if 
requested by the downstream recipient, as long as it was /64 or more.

This language would also prevent requests to register only part of an 
assignment. I think this language works in making the intent of the new section 
more clear.

Albert Erdmann
Network Administrator
Paradise On Line Inc.

On Tue, 15 Aug 2017, John Santos wrote:

I think that the "/64 or more addresses" and the "regardless of size" are meant 
to convey that any netblock between a /64 and a /48 can and should be registered if the recipient 
requests it, even if the block is smaller than the /47 which would make it mandatory.  Perhaps 
there is better wording that would make this clearer.

Three ranges:

1. smaller than /64:  shouldn't be issued, can't be registered.
2. /64 through /48: register at recipient's request
3. /47 or larger: must be registered

I agree on dynamic assignments

Otherwise, I think this is a much clearer and better update to the proposed 
policy, and can't find any other reason not to support it.  (I.E. this is a 
tentative vote FOR, if there is such a thing.)

On 8/15/2017 3:59 PM, David Farmer wrote:
I support what I think is the intent, but I have language/editorial nits;

1. In 3) below; Which is it "a /64 or more addresses" or "regardless of size" that requires registration?  I think 
logically we need one or the other, or some qualification on "regardless of size" statement.  I think it is a good idea to not 
require registration of less than a /64.  But the current language seems contradictory, and therefore confusing, my recommendation is 
delete "regardless of size", from the sentence and leaving "a /64 or more addresses".  I pretty sure we don't want 
people having an expectation that they can request the registration of "their" /128 address.

2. Also in 3) below; It would seem to require even dynamic assignments be registered if 
requested, I don't think that is our intent either, section starts with 
"Each static IPv6 assignment containing", this needs a similar qualification.

Also, I'm fine with the deltas in the policy statement but it would be helpful 
to see the final resulting policy block, maybe in a separate email so we can 
all see how the result reads.

Thanks, I think we are getting close, maybe one or two more turns of the crank.

On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 12:06 PM, ARIN <i...@arin.net<mailto:i...@arin.net> 
<mailto:i...@arin.net<mailto:i...@arin.net>>> wrote:

   The following has been revised:

   * Draft Policy ARIN-2017-5: Equalization of Assignment
   Registration requirements between IPv4 and IPv6

   Revised text is below and can be found at:

   You are encouraged to discuss all Draft Policies on PPML. The AC
   will evaluate the discussion in order to assess the conformance of
   this draft policy with ARIN's Principles of Internet number
   resource policy as stated in the Policy Development Process (PDP).
   Specifically, these principles are:

   * Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
   * Technically Sound
   * Supported by the Community

   The PDP can be found at:

   Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:


   Sean Hopkins
   Policy Analyst
   American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

   Problem Statement:

   Current ARIN policy has different WHOIS directory registration
   requirements for IPv4 vs IPv6 address assignments. IPv4
   registration is triggered for an assignment of any address block
   equal to or greater than a /29 (i.e., eight IPv4 addresses). In
   the case of IPv6, registration occurs for an assignment of any
   block equal to or greater than a /64, which constitutes one entire
   IPv6 subnet and is the minimum block size for an allocation. Accordingly, 
there is a significant disparity between IPv4 and
   IPv6 WHOIS registration thresholds in the case of assignments,
   resulting in more work in the case of IPv6 than is the case for
   IPv4. There is no technical or policy rationale for the disparity,
   which could serve as a deterrent to more rapid IPv6 adoption. The
   purpose of this proposal is to eliminate the disparity and
   corresponding adverse consequences.

   Policy statement:

   1) Alter section "Reassignment information" of the NRPM to
   strike "/64 or more addresses" and change to "/47 or more
   addresses, or subdelegation of any size that will be individually


   2) Alter section "Residential Customer Privacy" of the
   NRPM by deleting the phrase "holding /64 and larger blocks"


   3) Add new section "Downstream Registration Requests" to
   the NRPM that reads "If the downstream recipient of a netblock ( a
   /64 or more addresses) requests publishing in ARIN's registration
   database, the ISP must register the netblock, regardless of size."


   a.    Timetable for implementation: Policy should be adopted as
   soon as possible.

   b.    Anything else:

    Author Comments:

   IPv6 should not be more burdensome than the equivalent IPv4
   network size. Currently, assignments of /29 or more of IPv4 space
   (8 addresses) require registration. The greatest majority of ISP
   customers who have assignments of IPv4 space are of a single IPv4
   address which do not trigger any ARIN registration requirement
   when using IPv4. This is NOT true when these same exact customers
   use IPv6, as assignments of /64 or more of IPv6 space require
   registration. Beginning with RFC 3177, it has been standard
   practice to assign a minimum assignment of /64 to every customer
   end user site, and less is never used. This means that ALL IPv6
   assignments, including those customers that only use a single IPv4
   address must be registered with ARIN if they are given the minimum
   assignment of /64 of IPv6 space. This additional effort may
   prevent ISP's from giving IPv6 addresses because of the additional
   expense of registering those addresses with ARIN, which is not
   required for IPv4. The administrative burden of 100% customer
   registration of IPv6 customers is unreasonable, when such is not
   required for those customers receiving only IPv4 connections.

John Santos
Evans Griffiths & Hart, Inc.
781-861-0670 ext 539<tel:781-861-0670%20ext%20539>

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David Farmer               Email:far...@umn.edu<mailto:email%3afar...@umn.edu>
Networking & Telecommunication Services
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota
2218 University Ave SE        Phone: 612-626-0815
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029   Cell: 612-812-9952

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