Feedback from the community after the staff and legal review has been all
negative for 2019-9.  We will be looking to abandon this policy at the next
advisory council meeting in September if there is no one else in the
community that feels this would be beneficial. We welcome any discussion on
the topic. Thank you for all of your input thus far.

Kat Hunter

On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 9:25 PM Michael B. Williams <> wrote:

> Agreed, Brian.
> ------------------------------
> *Michael B. Williams*
> Glexia, Inc. - An IT Company
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> On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 3:50 PM Brian Jones <> wrote:
>> With the clarification that organizations will be removed from the
>> waiting list if they receive an allocation for facilitating their IPv6
>> deployment, I no longer support this proposal for the reasons outlined by
>> the ARIN staff below. My organization will not be impacted by this but I
>> can understand where some could be detrimentally effected by this change.
>> Receiving an allocation for deploying IPv6 should not be tied to the
>> waiting list for a regular IPv4 assignment IMO.
>> --
>> Brian E Jones, CSP-SM, CSP-PO
>> NI&S Virginia Tech
>> On Jul 30, 2019, at 1:33 PM, Kat Hunter <> wrote:
>> All- Staff and legal review has been completed for 2019-9. Please take a
>> moment to review the comments. For those that supported this, do you still
>> support the policy given the staff notes. Additionally, we'd like to hear
>> from anyone that this may impact in a negative way.
>> Policy:
>> Staff and Legal Review
>> "ARIN Staff Comments
>> This policy could be implemented as written. Current policy is that any
>> organization on the waiting list that receives IPv4 addresses through a
>> transfer are removed from the waiting list, but those receiving an NRPM
>> 4.10 (Dedicated IPv4 Block to Facilitate IPv6 Deployment) assignment are
>> not removed from the waiting list. The proposed change would result those
>> organizations receiving an NRPM 4.10 assignment also being removed from the
>> waiting list.
>> Staff notes that adding the “…or an allocation request fulfilled under
>> Section 4.10…” may be detrimental to some organizations, as address space
>> received per NRPM 4.10 must be used in a manner consistent with IPv6
>> translation services and cannot be used for other purposes such as customer
>> assignments, shared hosting services, etc.
>> Organizations need IPv4 address space to assign to their customers, and
>> many organizations will request a block from the Waiting List to be used
>> for their customer assignments but still need some IPv4 space for
>> deployment of IPv6 translation services as outlined in section NRPM 4.10.
>> Removing organizations from the Waiting List when they receive a NRPM 4.10
>> assignment would hinder the existing IPv4 operations & growth of
>> organizations, and may provide a disincentive to IPv6 deployment."
>> -Kat Hunter
>> On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 1:42 PM Brian Jones <> wrote:
>>> I support this revised version of draft policy ARIN-2019-9 as written.
>>> Brian
>>> On Thu, May 23, 2019, 12:44 PM ARIN <> wrote:
>>>> The following has been revised:
>>>> * Draft Policy ARIN-2019-9: Clarify Interactions Between NRPM 4.10 IPv6
>>>> Transition Space Requests and NRPM Unmet Needs Requests
>>>> Revised text is below and can be found at:
>>>> You are encouraged to discuss all Draft Policies on PPML. The AC will
>>>> evaluate the discussion in order to assess the conformance of this
>>>> Draft
>>>> Policy with ARIN's Principles of Internet number resource policy as
>>>> stated in the Policy Development Process (PDP). Specifically, these
>>>> principles are:
>>>> * Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
>>>> * Technically Sound
>>>> * Supported by the Community
>>>> The PDP can be found at:
>>>> Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Sean Hopkins
>>>> Policy Analyst
>>>> American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
>>>> Draft Policy ARIN-2019-9: Clarify Interactions Between NRPM 4.10 IPv6
>>>> Transition Space Requests and NRPM Unmet Needs Requests
>>>> Problem Statement:
>>>> It has been observed that an organization requesting IPv4 resources
>>>> under NRPM Section 4.10, Dedicated IPv4 Block To Facilitate IPv6
>>>> Deployment, can also request similar or the same resources under
>>>> Section
>>>>, Unmet Needs. This proposal aims to remove this potential for
>>>> duplicate requests under these sections.
>>>> Policy Statement:
>>>> Section, Unmet Needs:
>>>> Current language: Any requests met through a transfer will be
>>>> considered
>>>> fulfilled and removed from the waiting list.
>>>> Proposed language:
>>>> Any requests met through a transfer or an allocation request fulfilled
>>>> under Section 4.10 will be considered fulfilled and removed from the
>>>> waiting list.
>>>> Timetable for Implementation: Immediate
>>>> Anything Else:
>>>> Currently, organizations can receive no more than a /24 at a time under
>>>> Section 4.10. However, Proposal ARIN-PROP-266, submitted by Chris Tacit
>>>> and myself, could potentially allow an org to receive up to a /21 under
>>>> that section, widening the potential for abuse by “double-dipping”
>>>> waiting list and transition space requests. As such, this proposal
>>>> should be considered in that context.
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