> On Sep 30, 2019, at 11:02 , Mike Burns <m...@iptrading.com> wrote:
> Hi Fernando,
> You said “RIR is and has always been the one who drives the resources to be 
> efficientlly assigned by analysing justifications not private transfer 
> companies. If an organization is not using resouces efficiently it either may 
> change its resource assignment strategy otherwise it doesn't justify for 
> those addresses anymore and should return them back to the RIR.”
> There is no policy in ARIN to return un-needed space.  IPv4 resource holders 
> own something of value, which is what economists call an “alienable asset”.  
> It is possible for such resource holders to return such space to ARIN, but 
> you don’t have to be an economist to understand why they don’t and haven’t 
> for the most part.


I refer you to ARIN RSA Version 12.0 Section 7:


Holder acknowledges and agrees that: (a) the Included Number Resources are not 
property (real, personal, or intellectual) of Holder; (b) Holder does not and 
will not have or acquire any property rights in or to Included Number Resources 
by virtue of this Agreement; (c) Holder will not attempt, directly or 
indirectly, to obtain or assert any patent, trademark, service mark or 
copyright in any number resources in the United States or any other country; 
and (d) Holder will transfer or receive Included Number Resources in accordance 
with the Policies.


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