I have a request for any numbers on IPv6 adoption of those who have received directed transfers in the last year, or any other available period.

I have looked at some of the blocks that have been transferred, and most of them seem to be obtained by larger ISP or Mobile Wireless providers that are already well known adopters of IPv6. Such providers would of course have no issues meeting the standards of the Draft Policy.

What I would like to find out is what percentage are in the position of not having any IPv6 in place, and therefore might be adversely affected.


Albert Erdmann
Network Administrator
Paradise On Line Inc.

On Thu, 7 Nov 2019, Owen DeLong wrote:

      On Nov 6, 2019, at 13:40 , Fernando Frediani <fhfredi...@gmail.com> wrote:

I wanted to kindly request AC members attention to all objections based on the 
argument that "ARIN is forcing someone to do something on their own

This is NOT true at all and not the propose of this proposal therefore I 
believe these kind of objections have been refuted multiple times already.

I cannot speak for the entire AC, but this AC member (at least until the end of 
the year) is well aware of your position on the matter. I do not, however,
share this opinion.

Insisting that people make an IPv6 address pingable in order to receive IPv4 
resources via transfer strikes me as an effort to push those who do not wish to
do IPv6 into doing so.
As such, it is about forcing someone to do something on their own network.

This is a valid objection to the policy. It may be an objection the community 
decides to overrule or dismiss, but it is an objection, nonetheless.

You may not like that objection, and that’s fine. You’ve said so, and we’ve 
heard you.

      With regards the proposal this community has the right to estabilish 
whatever conditions for the RIR registration related stuff it finds better
      for the RIR and the Internet to continue working healthy in the region.

This is also true, but the people you are dismissing because you don’t like 
their objections are just as much members of the community as you are. They have
every right to object to the policy on whatever basis they feel is in their 
best interests or that of the community.

      For example the increasing cost imposed to all others by those who wishes 
to remain in the past and the growing conflicts due to the current
      scenario are good point for this community to evaluate.

Here, I agree with you. I don’t agree that what is proposed will help resolve 
that issue. I do think we will have many discussions about how to resolve this
particular problem in the coming years.

      Also I am finding some people having trouble with the mechanism to 
validate IPv6 is operational and would really like to hear other points of
      view about more effective way that process can be validaded and be more 
effective in their point of view.

This is a very tough question. I think that all of the corner cases that would 
exist in response to this question are a perfectly valid reason not to
inflict this proposed policy on the community.



On Thu, 7 Nov 2019 16:06 Brett Frankenberger, <rbf+arin-p...@panix.com> wrote:
      On Wed, Nov 06, 2019 at 12:55:50PM -0500, ARIN wrote:
      > On 1 November 2019, the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) accepted 
      > Require IPv6 Before Receiving Section 8 IPv4 Transfers" as a Draft 
      > Draft Policy ARIN-2019-19 is below and can be found at:
      > Policy statement:
      > In section 8.5.2, add the following language to the end of the paragraph
      > entitled “Operational Use”:
      > Such operational network must at minimum include an allocation or 
      > by ARIN of IPv6 address space under the same Org ID receiving the
      > transferred IPv4 space. Such Org must be able to prove this IPv6 space 
      > being routed by using it to communicate with ARIN.
      > In the event the receiver provides a written statement from its upstream
      > that IPv6 connectivity is unavailable, the IPv6 requirement may be 

      Opposed for multiple reasons.

      First, it should not be ARINs role to dictate the manner in which
      networks are operated.  We have routinely resisted the notion that, for
      example, spammers should have resources revoked.  Now we're proposing
      to deny resources to networks that decide not to operate IPv6.

      Second, the proposal is premised on the idea that IP addresses are
      solely allocated for the purpose of operation on the public network,
      despite policy being clear that that's not the case.  While that's
      certainly the predominate use case, there is nothing that prevents a
      private interconnected network from operating on
      ARIN-assigned/allocated public space without connecting to the
      Internet.  Are we proposing to deny any future transfers for such
      networks?  They would by their nature be unable to prove IPv6
      connectivity to ARIN (except as a stunt -- see below) and would be
      unable to get a statement from their upstream (since they would have
      none) as to the availability of IPv6 connectivity.

      Third, this encourages meaningless stunts.  A network that does not
      desire to opreate V6 is not going to reconsider that decision as a
      result of this policy.  At best, they will get an IPv6 allocation or
      assignment from ARIN, route it to one subnet, put a device on it long
      enough to perform whatever ceremony ARIN requires to prove IPV6
      connectivity, get their transfer, and then shut it down (or maybe leave
      it there in case they have to reperform the ceremony should they
      transfer additional addresses in the future).  More likely, this will
      cause the creation of a new industry: organizations needing to complete
      an IPv6 connectivity validation to get a IPv4 transfer processed will
      sign a LOA granting their Ceremony Consultant the right to announce
      their IPv6 allocation/assignment long enough to complete the ceremony,
      and their consultant will do all the work necessary to get the required
      box checked in ARIN's systesm.

      This will not drive IPv6 adoption.  I oppose the use of ARIN or
      community resources on stunts, and I oppose the creation of a "IPv6
      Ceremony Consultant" industry.

           -- Brett
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