The petition process calls for volume (support of 25 separate orgs), and does 
not request "substance".  The substance has been discussed at length, and I 
assume the +1 votes from these network operators come about through 
substantive, rational thought.

But since you raised the issue of substance, here's the substance of the 
thinking for my own support for the petition.  I originally proposed the wait 
list block size limit of a /22 back in Feb, 2019 in response to well-discussed 
fraud issues.  At the time, I thought the waiting list fraud was massive and 
widespread and required a heavy hand to combat it.   I'm now more of the 
opinion that the fraud was massive but not that widespread (affecting a large 
number of IPs but not done by a large number of players).  My proposal was not 
implemented, but the one that was included the /22 limit as well as the /20 
limit for total holdings.  I think it's too stringent, but more importantly it 
punishes a lot of waiting list orgs that were playing by the rules and had a 
reasonable expectation that their waiting list needs would be met.

I imagine most of the support from these "newbies" is based on the essential 
unfairness of harming dozens of legitimate players in order to prevent 
potential fraud of a few.  But I don't want to put words in their mouths.  I 
welcome their input and look forward to their participation in the future.


Tom Fantacone

---- On Thu, 14 Jan 2021 22:41:50 -0500 Martin Hannigan <> 
wrote ----

Not quite what I had in mind. However, you demonstrated the point. Volume != 
substance. Personally, I find the AC to be too activist on occasion. However I 
see nothing that needs repair here. I applaud use of the petition process as it 
is part of the pdp. The petition itself, while long and detailed, lacks enough 
substance itself to make me want to support it.  Your mileage may vary.

Warm regards,


On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 5:31 PM Tom Fantacone <> wrote:

Well, since you asked, I do support the petition.

Tom Fantacone

------- Original Message -------

>From    : Martin Hannigan[]

Sent    : 1/13/2021 5:20:04 PM

To      :

Cc      : 

Subject : RE: Re: [arin-ppml] Open Petition for ARIN-2020-2


Anyone else going to say it? 

On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 16:36 Annette Ogden 
<> wrote:

I support this petition.


Annette Ogden

Anderson Electric, Inc.




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