I support this. 


> On Sep 13, 2022, at 7:46 AM, ARIN <i...@arin.net> wrote:
> The following Draft Policy has been revised:
> * ARIN-2022-2: Remove Barrier to BGP Uptake in ASN Policy
> Revised text is below and can be found at:
> https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/drafts/2022_2/
> You are encouraged to discuss all Draft Policies on PPML. The AC will 
> evaluate the discussion to assess the conformance of this Draft Policy with 
> ARIN's Principles of Internet number resource policy as stated in the Policy 
> Development Process (PDP). Specifically, these principles are:
> * Enabling Fair and Impartial Number Resource Administration
> * Technically Sound
> * Supported by the Community
> The PDP can be found at:
> https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/pdp/
> Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at:
> https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/drafts/
> Regards,
> Sean Hopkins
> Senior Policy Analyst
> American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
> Draft Policy ARIN-2022-2: Remove Barrier to BGP Uptake in ASN Policy
> Problem Statement:
> The current requirements for getting an ASN have resulted in confusion 
> particularly for new entrants, who have their hands more than full with the 
> mechanics of getting BGP up and running. The availability of 32 bit ASNs 
> provides an opportunity for the removal of unnecessary constraints and 
> processes for the allocation of  ASNs.
> ARIN does not provide guidance to use RFC1918 space if possible and likewise 
> ARIN should not require the use of private ASNs in preference to public ASNs.
> Further Technical Rationale:
> Four octet (32 bit) ASNs were defined in May 2007 in RFC 4893. It has taken 
> several years for routing equipment in general use to catch up, but today 32 
> bit ASNs are generally accepted and it is rare that an organization which has 
> been issued a 32 bit ASN comes back to ARIN and says they need a 16 bit ASN 
> instead.
> The austerity measure of requiring extensive documentation to get an ASN is 
> left over from the days of 16 bit ASNs (total space 65000). It is no longer 
> appropriate and we should align our conservation requirements with those 
> found in other 32-bit spaces (total space four billion). Consider:
> A /32 of IPv6 space is the default allocation and will be assigned to any ISP 
> that requests it.
> Temporary assignment of a /32 of IPv4 space can be acquired on most 
> residential ISPs by issuing a DHCP request.
> We propose making issuance of the first 32 bit ASN for any ORGID (or each 
> site for organizations that have number resources under multiple discrete 
> networks policy) be pro-forma upon request. If an org’s technical people 
> think they need a public ASN, they probably do!
> Policy statement:
> Replace the entirety of Section 5, which currently reads:
> There are a limited number of available Autonomous System Numbers (AS 
> Numbers), therefore, it is important to determine which sites require unique 
> ASNs and which do not. If a unique ASN is not required for a given network 
> design, one or more of the ASN reserved for private use should be utilized. 
> Those numbers are: 64512 through 65534 and 4200000000 through 4294967294 
> inclusive.
> In order to be assigned an ASN, each requesting organization must provide 
> ARIN with verification that it requires a unique routing policy, such as a 
> plan:
> To originate announcement of IP Number Resources via an accepted protocol 
> (such as Border Gateway Protocol) from an ASN different than that of its 
> upstream provider;
> To multihome a site with one or more Autonomous Systems; or
> To use an ASN to interconnect with other Autonomous Systems.
> ASNs are issued based on current need, as set out in this section 5.
> With the following new Section 5:
> Any organization may be issued a single Autonomous System Number (ASN) upon 
> request. Organizations that have space issued under Multiple Discrete 
> Networks policy may be issued one ASN per discrete network upon request.
> Additional ASN requests should include proof of the requestor's need for a 
> unique routing policy, or other technical justification for the need for more 
> than one ASN.
> Timetable for implementation: Immediate
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