On Mar 21, 2023, at 8:33 PM, William Herrin <b...@herrin.us> wrote:
Worse still: RFC 7020 never explicitly defines Internet Numbers or
Internet Number Resources, the thing section 2.17 is trying to
explain. It defines the "Internet Numbers Registry System.”

Bill -

You are correct that the term “Internet Number Resources” are not explicitly 
defined in RFC7020 – nor is it presently defined in the ARIN Number Resource 
Policy Manual (NRPM).

Draft policy ARIN-2022-11 strives to remedy this situation with respect to the 
ARIN NRPM  by introducing the following definition -

 “Internet number resources are unique identifiers within the Internet Numbers 
Registry System [as described in IETF RFC 7020] and this includes ranges (or 
“blocks”) of contiguous Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses and Autonomous 
System Numbers (“ASNs”).”

A reader
can infer through context that Internet Number Resources are IP
addresses and AS numbers, just as they can with the NRPM, but RFC 7020
never actually says so.

The very first sentence of RFC 7020 reads as follows -

This document provides information about the current Internet Numbers Registry 
System used in the distribution of globally unique Internet Protocol (IP) 
address space and autonomous system (AS) numbers.

making the context obvious and the level of inference necessary rather trivial.

However, if you believe that the proposed definition can be improved, you 
should suggest specific wording changes to achieve such (as comments simply 
suggesting "a competent rewrite” provide no meaningful information for the ARIN 
AC to use towards improvement of the draft policy.)   Alternatively, if you 
believe that the policy should not be worked on at all (and instead abandoned), 
it would be helpful to understand your reasoning for such a perspective.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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